Shadows on the Horizon



Traits Caps

SotH uses a staggered Trait Cap. Upon character creation the assignment of Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Traits determines this. Primary gains a +1 to the normal Trait Cap, Secondary is not modified and Tertiary gains a -1 to the normal Trait Cap. So a Mage with Arete 2 will have a Primary Cap of 13, a Secondary Cap of 12 and a Tertiary Cap of 11.

Bidding Limits

At SotH characters cannot generally bid more than twice their trait cap in a test through bonuses. So a Arete 3 Mage with a Physical Primary cannot bid more than 28 in a Physical Shallenge or an Elder Werewolf with Social Tertiary cannot bid more than 34 in a Social Challenge. Anything that Naturally would allow that limit to be surpassed (eg a Totem that gives a Bonus Mental Trait) adds to the Trait Cap for purposes of calculating this, but so do things that would naturally detract from that limit (eg Wound Penalties).

Note: Anything that directly adds named Attribute traits (including Life Magic) is calculated when determining the limit.

Spending Traits

Unless otherwise directly stated anything that calls for spending additional traits is capped at 5 spent per use. This limit is increase to a Mage’s Arete when they exceed Arete 5 and increased by one for every Generation below 8 that a Vampire is.

Abilities in Tests

When bidding traits in a test a player may add the level of associated ability to the total after any other modifications or bonuses are calculated. This does not apply to initiative and is subject to the bidding limit listed above.


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A character's permanent rating in an ability is added to all Challenges involving that Ability.

All Static difficulties are raised by two.

Example: Bi!!, the Virtual Adept, is attempting to get into the library system so they don't ding him for the books that he's kept out past their due date. He has 11 Mental Traits and 4 Traits of the Computer Ability. When he Challenges and ties, he bids 15 Traits.

Specific Abilities

Linguistics: Languages are not learned linearly, but at an accelerating rate.
O - One additional language
OO - Two additional languages
OOO - Four additional languages
OOOO - Eight additional languages
OOOOO - Sixteen additional languages

*Note* these are not cumulative, so Lingustics x5 DOES NOT get you 31 languages (1+2+4+8+16)

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Subtract the level in this background from the final number of months required for learning new levels of Spheres, with a minimum of 1. Additionally for each level of Library you can allocate one type of Mage-related Lore or Knowledge that the Mage can learn up to 4 without additional teaching (additional allocation to the same Lore/Knowledge allows them to learn it to 5)

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Shapechanger Kin

4 PT Merit

Gifts: Mage in SotH cannot use Gifts or gain the Gnosis Merit (though Gnosis can be made through use of Prime and Spirit). Rotes that mimic Gifts of the related Fera (and appropriate Tribe or whatever) can be learned as though they were your Tradition's Rotes so long as you have at least Spirit 1 and go through a learning process with a member of that group (like a FIanna or a Simba or whatever you are related to). This process can be used to develop Rotes based on other Gifts that are willingly taught, they will just take the same time as if you were designing a new Rote. Any effects based on known Gifts will count as casting a Rote you are aware of but do not possess rather than being purely Dynamic Magic (per the Magic Difficulty rules). For these purposes the 'effect' of the Rote must follow the effect of the Gift as identically as possible.

Rites: You can learn any Rites Kinfolk are allowed to learn and participate in for the means of helping in such a Rite. Any other effect you wish to have on your own would still be done through Sphere Magic.

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Injury and Healing

Healing Times*BashingLethal/Aggravated
Healthy x11 Day2 Days
Healthy x23 Days1 Week
Bruised x11 Week2 Weeks
Bruised x21 Month2 Months
Bruised x32 Months4 Months
Wounded x13 Months5 Months
Wounded x23 Months6 Months
Incapacitated6 Months1 Year
***Mortally WoundedNA**Requires Medical Attention

(Times listed are those to move up to the next higher level of damage.)

*When a character becomes Incapacitated by Bashing Damage the damage track goes back to the earliest level of existing Bashing Damage and turns it into lethal and each Lethal/Aggravated wound taken pushes the Bashing up a track and applies to the lowest injury level.

**A Medicine roll against 20 minus any remaining temporary Stamina Traits is required (with proper material) to move a Mortally Wounded character up to the Incapacitated Level. While Mortally Wounded the character loses a temporary Stamina Trait each round, then a temporary Physical trait each round until they are gone. Once all temporary traits are gone they lose a permanent Physical Trait (again starting with Stamina) every Minute. Once all Physical Traits are gone they will start losing Mental Traits at the same rate. Once these are gone or if the character takes damage beyond this (after the damage stop) the character is dead. First Aid (which does not require proper Medical equipment can be made against the same difficulty to increase temporary loss to1 per Minute and Permanent Loss to 1 per hour.

*** All damage taken from a single blow stops at Mortally Wounded, additional damage after this point will kill the character.

Medical Treatment

At any injury below Mortally Wounded a Medicine or First Aid test can be made at a difficulty of 7 + the current number of wound levels to lower the healing time by 1 wound level lower (with a minimum of 1 Day). As the current Wound Level heals additional tests can be made for each successive Level with the same effect.


Stamina TraitsHolding Breath
130 Seconds
2One Minute
4Two Minutes
6Four Minutes
8Eight Minutes
1015 Minutes
1220 Minutes
1430 Minutes

After the above time elapses the character will lose 1 Physical Trait and take a level of Unsoakable Bashing each Round until death.


5 ft1 Bashing
10 ft2 Bashing
20 ft2 Bashing and 1 Lethal
30 ft3 Bashing and 1 Lethal
40 ft3 Bashing and 2 Lethal
50 ft4 Bashing and 2 Lethal
60 ft4 Bashing and 3 Lethal
70 ft5 Bashing and 3 Lethal
80 ft5 Bashing and 4 Lethal

An Athletics, Acrobatics or other appropriate ability at a difficulty of 5 plus the grade of the fall to reduce the damage grade by one 9if you have an appropriate specialty like Tumbling it can be lowered by 2)

Optional Rules

Optional RuleBookPgUsed in SotH
Ability SpecializationLaws of Ascension95Yes
Compressed ScaleLaws of Ascension119No
Beyond Human LimitsLaws of Ascension123Yes
Consensus CoincidenceLaws of Ascension130No
Using WillpowerLaws of Ascension138Yes
Overbidding for SuccessLaws of Ascension138Yes
Acting in Concert Laws of Ascension138Yes
Rituals and Extended MagicLaws of Ascension138Yes
Superhuman RitualLaws of Ascension140Yes
Fast-CastingLaws of Ascension140Yes
Dynamic MagicLaws of Ascension140Yes
Conjunctional EffectsLaws of Ascension141Yes
Paradox FlawsLaws of Ascension173Yes
Paradox RealmsLaws of Ascension174Yes
Challenge SpeedsLaws of Ascension187Yes
Stacking BackgroundsLaws of Ascension Companionp60TBD
Merits and FlawsLaws of Ascension Companion67Yes
Archmage SpheresLaws of Ascension Companion117TBD
The Contested Effect RuleLaws of Ascension Companion118TBD
Grades of PowerLaws of Ascension Companion118TBD
Extended Grades of DurationLaws of Ascension Companion119TBD
Animal Form KnowledgeLaws of Ascension Companion122TBD
No Instant KillsLaws of Ascension Companion165TBD
The Half-Dead RuleLaws of Ascension Companion165TBD
Final RetributionLaws of Ascension Companion166TBD
Limited MobsLaws of Ascension Companion169TBD
Slow Reputaiton BuildLaws of Ascension Companion170TBD
Staggered Reputation BuildLaws of Ascension Companion170TBD
Reputation ErosionLaws of Ascension Companion171TBD
Reputation MaximumsLaws of Ascension Companion171TBD
Negative ReputationLaws of Ascension Companion171TBD
Power Source SeparationLaws of Ascension Companion172TBD

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Experience Awards

AmountAwarded for
2Attendance (Show up for at least half a game)
1Good Roleplay (Stay relatively in character)
1Costuming (Anything from quirky cloths to props that make your character stand out)
2Downtime Roleplay (Be active on the Boards or through e-mail)
1Player Nods
1ST Nods
1Leadership (Assist with major setups, brought food for everyone, etc)
1First Game

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Learning Times

Mage Spheres: Mage Spheres: Tradition Sphere Level x1 Months or Other Sphere Level x2 Months (for consecutive time this will only count as one week each month)
Sorceror Paths: 2x the Path level in Weeks (If the Sorceror has a Mentor that can teach this Path level it is 1x the Path level in Weeks to learn)*
Rotes: Total levels of Spheres in the Rote x1 Weeks (x2 to create a completely new Rote)*
Sorcery Spells and Rituals: 1 Week per Spell or Ritual*
Abilities: No limits for levels 1-3 (though ability to learn it will be considered). 1 Month for the 4th Level and 2 Months for the 5th.*

* These items are all learned continuously and not concurrently. Please note that times for creation of any Wonders (Charms, Talens, Fetishes, Artifacts, etc) are also continuous with these times.

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This covers the creation of anything that utilizes the Crafting Skill.

Any Crafter has the ability to create something up to their rating in the Crafts Ability, and sometimes even a point higher. For each level of Craft the item has it gains one relevant Appearance Trait, increases the overall value of the item and gives one point to allocate to the following:

1Additional Appearance Trait
1Increase the value further with precious metals, gems or other materials
1Add an appropriate positive Trait like Armor Piercing or Staking
1Harden the item to make it more resilient to damage
2Remove a Negative Trait normally associated with the item
VariableAdd a Special ability, anything mundane such as a secret compartment/retractable blade or special throwing balance (cost based on ST discretion)

For every level of Crafting the work takes an increment of time starting with a Day for one, then a Week for two, a Month for three, 3 Months for four, and an additional 3 Months for every point beyond that. A test must be made at each increment (usually causing the first two tests to be thrown at the next game) with a Difficulty of 7 +2 for each increment of Craft being tested after the first. The Crafter can stop at any level of success, but upon failure must make 2 simple tests. Failure of both tests means the project is entirely ruined and must be started over, failure of one will set back the Crafting by one increment and full success will hold it where it was. In the last two cases the Crafter can pick up on the work from that Craft level, taking the time again before making another test.

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Magical Items

Downtime Magical Item Creation

Magical Item Capacity




Single Use Wonders

Charms/Gadgets: A Mage can carry up to 2x Arete plus their level in Prime of Charms/Gadgets at any time.
Talens: A Mage may carry up to 2x Arete plus their level in Spirit of Talens at any time.
*These totals count together so if their Prime total is 7 and their Spirit total is 8 they could carry 7 Charms and only one additional Talen, and vice versa

Permanent Wonders

Periapts, Artifacts/Devices and Talismans: A Mage can carry up to their Arete plus their rating in Prime rating on these items at any time (if a Pariapt is part of an Artifact or Talisman it does not count as extra)
Fetishes: A Mage can carry up to their Arete plus their level in Spirit of Fetishes at any time.


Talens: Can carry up to your Gnosis in Talens at any time (Theurge, Mirrors, Shadow Seers or other equivalent group from other shifter groups may add their rank to this). ‘Bundled’ Talens count as one. (Jofu count as Talens for Kitsune). This is also the ‘reasonable’ that can be ‘stored’ over any length of time without garnering spirit notoriety.
Fetishes: Can carry up to your Rank in Fetishes at any time.
Trinkets: All Trinkets count towards the Fetish total listed above.
*Note that for Fetishes and Trinkets, one may possess more than the above carry limits. Notoriety for such permanent items is more based on how they are used and maintained (like there are rituals for the care of these items).

Random Mutation Charts

Roll 1d100Mutation
1-5Mutant gains 1D6 fingers evenly on both hands.
6-10Mutant gains 1D6 toes evenly on both feet.
11-12Mutant gains an extra set of eyes on the forehead [+4 spot and search]
13Mutant gains an eye on forehead [gains the supernatural ability to detect magic and invisibility at will]
14-16Mutant grows an extra set of eyes on his/her/it's neck [gains Uncanny dodge as a 10 level Rogue]
17-19Hard leathery skin [natural armor +1]
20-21Thick fur [natural armor +1D3+1]
22Hard reptilian scales [natural armor +5]
23-24A random hand becomes a claw (like the one from a lobster) for medium creature it deals 1D6 Bludgeoning damage, but can’t be used to manipulate objects.
25Strange colorations begin to surface on skin even sometimes move
26-28Gains a swimming membrane between finger and toes [gains a swim speed of 30 ft]
29-31Mutant develops gills, [can now breathe under water]
32Mutant develops gills and a swimming membrane between finger and toes [can now breathe under water and gains a swim speed of 30 ft]
33-34Skin changes color at every full moon
35-37Becomes a were-creature (as the disease not natural)
38Becomes a were-creature (natural not the disease)
39-40Eyes become glossy white and you lose sight and becomes blind, but gains [Blindsense 20 ft]
41-44Hands mutates into claws that for a medium creature deals 1D6 slashing damage.
45-47Grow fangs that for a medium creature can be used for bite attack that deals 1D4 piercing damage.
48Grow fangs that for a medium creature can be used for bite attack that deals 1D4 piercing damage +Poison, the poison are identical to that of a Monstrous Spider of same size.
49-53Grows small set of horns in forehead.
54-55Grows a set of bull’s horns which can be used on a charge to deals 1D8 piercing damage for a medium creature.
56Grows a single horn in forehead like the horn on a unicorn, which can be used on a charge to deals 1D10 piercing damage for a medium creature. Special it is enchanted +3 to hit and damage and counts as magical.
57-59Grows an acid gland, Gains a breath weapon which is a extraordinary ability to spit acid as a standard action, that doesn’t provoke attack of opportunity. It deals 2D4 acid damage on a ranged touch attack, and when used the mutant must wait 1D4 rounds before it can be used again, it can be used a number of times each day equal to the mutants Constitution modifier to a minimum of one.
60-62Grows an gas gland, Gains a breath weapon which is a supernatural ability to spit fire as a standard action, that doesn’t provoke attack of opportunity. It deals 1D8 fire damage in a 10 ft cone, reflex save for half damage, The save DC against the breath weapon is 10 + 1/2 mutant’s HD + mutant’s Con modifier, and when used the mutant must wait 1D4 rounds before it can be used again, it can be used a number of times each day equal to the mutants Constitution modifier to a minimum of one.
63-65Develops two small antennas on top of head [gains Tremorsense 60 ft.]
66-70Strange rune on body (could be holy or unholy symbol, arcane rune, wizards personal mage rune, strange cult rune, etc.) its up to the DM what the rune looks like but it is recommended that it’s something that will bring the mutant great trouble one way or the other.
71-74Grow an extra set of arms, (small and useless)
75Grow an extra set of arms, (Normal size and usable)
76-77Grow an extra set of legs [+ 5 bonus to balance]
78-80Grow a Large Tail [+ 5 bonus to resist being tripped]
81-84Grow a Tentacle on the mutant's back [+ 4 bonus to grapple]
85Grow 1D4+1 Tentacles on the mutant's back [+ 4 bonus to grapple from each]
86-87Random arm mutates into a tentacle, but can’t be used to manipulate objects. [+ 4 bonus to grapple]
88-89Snake tongue, the mutants tongue is split into two at the tip
90-91Mutates into a albino [Exposure to sunlight directly on the skin or eyes of the albino mutant causes 1 point of fire damage each round]
92-93Grows a Scorpions’ Tail, gains extra natural attack that does 1D4 piercing damage for a medium creature +Poison, the poison are identical to that of a Monstrous Scorpion of same size.
94-95Mutates hooves instead of feet [+5 ft. base land speed and run speed is X5]
96-97Mutates a hunchback with a will of its own [INT 2d6+3, WIS 2d6+3, CHA 1d12+3, Alignment same as mutant and the ability to communicate telepathic with owner]
98Spawning gland, first time each day the mutant takes damage the gland spawns 1d4+1 Tiny Monstrous Spiders which are always friendly towards the mutant and grows a size category each week until the reaches Large size, from large each size category takes a year.
99Evil mutant twin grows out of stomach falls off in 1d6 days and grows to
maturity in 1D8+4 Months, the twin hates the caster [Precise copy of Caster except for alignment which is opposite of casters]
100Roll a d100 1d6+1 times on this table and re-rolling any roll of 100.

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