Shadows on the Horizon

Discord Rules


By accepting an invitation to join the Horizon Discord Server you agree to follow all Horizon game rules in addition to the Discord specific rules below. Failure to do so will be cause for disciplinary action up to and including being removed from the server and being banned from our game.

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This consists of Storytellers, Narrators and Judges.

Storytellers have full final discretion over rules-calls (with only the Head Storyteller role overriding them) and can run scenes and tests.

Narrators have final call over rules-calls in scenes they are running unless a Storyteller overrides them and can run scenes and tests.

Judges are 'trusted' players selected to monitor tests and make minor rules-calls outside of scenes in general roleplay. This includes scenes they may be playing in, though abuse such as self-serving calls can get the Judge role removed. Narrators and Storytellers may override any calls made by a Judge.

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If a channel is marked IC, any actions you take there are In Character, period. If a channel is marked OOC, any actions you take there are Out of Character, period. They will be taken as such baring extraordinary circumstances or something like the use of Etiquette. If a channel is not marked either way make sure to express if something is being done ICly or OOCly for clarity.

Mechanics Channels

These are channels to be used for making tests and listing power descriptions for easy access to the staff. These are generally divided up by character genre and with some exceptions you should only be able to see one at a time during a game. This applies to all static and PvE tests. For static challenges the command listed for testing against a bot is used and for PvE the player and staff will use to command to generate their chop randomly (though the staff member may give you leave to use the bot test for this as well).

In the channel where the action is being taken the player will give a brief description of what they are attempting, then give the full details in their genre mechanics channel.

Proper order for describing actions in the mechanics channel are as follows:

  1. Action/Power Quick Description/Name|Room the action/power is being used in
  2. If it is a power of special ability with unique mechanics place the power/ability write up here.
  3. If the power calls for any variables prerequisites such as time spent casting or trait spends (from Physical Traits to Gnosis or Willpower), enter them here. Please use the spending commands listed below.
  4. All required tests and retests made against the Chop Bot here (see chop commands below). For any retest make sure to state how the retest is being done (such as using an ability)
  5. Any post use spends or allocations such as grade of success assignment or trait spends here.
Afterwards the player or staff member give a description of what happens in the channel where the scene is being run.

Gain and Spend Tempers

Active characters will have tallied Tempers connected with the Genre Mechanics room (so Mage for Mages, Shifter for Shifters, etc). You will be assigned a code for these when you sign in. The initial numbers should be set, but you may check on them at the beginning of game with the following command: !tb get [code-temper] When you make a spend for any use (be it powers or shifting or other) use the following command: !tb dump [code-temper] (Repeat this a number of times equal to the spend) When you regain points in a temper similarly use the following command: !bump [code-temper]

Example: Marty the Mage's code is 555 and he wants to check his Quintessence. In the Mage Mechanic room he types: !tb get 555-Quintessence It shows he has 6 and he wishes to spend two to decrease the difficulty of his Rote, so he types: !tb dump 555-Quintessence
!tb dump 555-Quintessence
Doing that twice decreases his pool to 4.

Note: Temper holding items will need to be registered before hand and will have a similar tally connected to your code to raise or lower. For example if you have a periapt that looks like a key and you wish to check how much it has you might post: !tb get 555-PQ-Key

Warning - Any abuse of this system to inaccurately alter your, or someone else's tallies will be cause for immediate expulsion from our server and likely banning from our game.

Using Influences and Resources

(and connected Backgrounds)

For players from our games, please use this format: .suggest Resources/Influence Type/Background|Level Used|Pool Spent|Purpose For players from other games, please use this format: .suggest Resources/Influence Type/Background|Level Used|Purpose

If using different Influences on the same action please put them in separate suggestions and note it with the purpose. And if you are using extra pool on top of the normal action for things like Stealth, potency, etc please note that division of point under purpose as well.

PvP Challenges

Two players of the same genre chopping against each other will do so in their genre mechanics channel and two players from different genres will use the test resolution mechanics channel. This will occur after all other activation and testing is completed for the use of any powers of special abilities. If a retest is called that player must state what they are using for that retest. Once there is a confirmed winner that player may go back and post a description of the outcome on the channel where the scene is (the loser will generally let the winner take lead on this unless there is critical, missing information).

Voice Channels

These channels will only be available during an Active Game for players to sign on for active plot. They will be set for specific locations and ease of communication. While an ST is actively running a scene in one any idle chatter not pertinent to the scene must be taken to a DM, a text channel or an unused voice channel.

If you are signed in to a voice channel others there have acceptable reason to know you are present unless approved circumstances are otherwise stated.

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Singing In and Out

If you wish to play on our server in ANY IC room, weather it is an active game or in between game social scenes, you must sign in. You are hard proxied into our game for all interactions taken there. Failure to do so will be cause for warnings and even discipline, up to and including being removed from the server, especially if it is a repeated issue. Failure to accept consequences on actions done while playing in our game is not tolerated. This too can get you banned from our game and any actions you took in it redlined at HST discretion.

Signing out is required to leave hard proxy from our game. This is not considered a fair escape from a scene. If an action is taken and an ST is called all those a party to the scene must remain until they can oversee it. There are acceptable exceptions to this, such as real-life concerns and emotional turmoil. In those cases the staff must be directly notified of it and the reason, and they will be expected to resolve the matter within 48 hours unless staff gives an exception.

The correct formats for signing into or out of our game are as follows.

For general social play in the text channels (make sure to include to command before the sign in, you may feel free to copy and paste the following then fill in your information):
.suggest First and Last Player Name|Character Name|Home Chronicle|E-Mail Address|Downtime

For participation in an active game and access to voice channels:
.suggest First and Last Player Name|Character Name|Home Chronicle|E-Mail Address|Active

**Please note that if you do this incorrectly you must resend the sign in, because it is connected to a bot it will not accept an edited message.

Active vs Social Play

Anyone is free to play socially oin our server (so long as you abide by our rules). You may travel and chat as you like provided you do not affect the status quo until you have been able to procure an ST or Narrator (or for simple challenges between players, a Judge). If this is during an active game being run any STs or Narrators on will have that active game as their priority and so may not be available immediately. In off hours STs, Narrators and Judges may only be available intermittently upon request.

In order to sign in to an active game you MUST meet two requirements:

  1. You must send your sheet to the ST list at at least 24 hours in advance if you are not a local player. You may also need to answer some questions before you are allowed access to active play. If you send it the day of active game, you can still play in the social channels, and depending on how simple your sheet is and how much you are willing for us to temporarily redline we might be able to get you in to active play, but this will only be if staff has the time.
  2. You must have a way in to the active scenes. For physical games where people travel to visit, there is a bit of bending the world to let them in on the action. On Discord, you can play socially all you want, but the active scenes are designed for our core players so you may not be a part of that event. This can be done, even on the day of active game through potential conversation with active PCs on the social channels. Generally those visiting are coming at the invitation or acquaintance of active PCs.

When you are marked for active play you will see channels not available during social play that are for active scenes. To be clear, not being in the active game does not mean you can't RP, you are just not part of an active plot scene. There is still the potential to provide assistance if active players ask, and chat with anyone available. Active PCs may also not be involved in certain scenes or leave them (or for Mage be split into two place) and still be part of social RP.

Social channels will be marked (ic-) and Active channels will be marked (ac-).

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All characters identified in game will have the 'John Q Public' role which will allow them to see the primary, publicly traveled locations in our territory. You may only 'be' in one IC location at a time, only chatting in one channel at a time. This will be on an honor system but being caught in multiple locations can be subject to warnings and even discipline, up to and including being removed from the server or banned from game, especially if it is a repeat issue. Such warnings will come from a Judge, Narrator or Storyteller. Any other players may inform one of those staff members if they find such a circumstance but are not to take any action of their own.

Split Location: This is a special role that is given to those with powers that allow them to be in multiple locations at once such as Bilocation or even types of scrying. This role is the one exception to the multiple locations roles. If you have this role you will automatically be looked over for having a second location. Should you have three or more any staff member may inquire to the number of locations your power has allowed for. Likewise, the honor system is taken into account for any location channels.

Special Locations: Some roles may have certain special locations categories and/or channels always visible. This still applies under the honor system, and without the 'Split Location' role can be subject to the above listed disciplines. If the location is under an existing category, that role must be added to use the channel, and if it is under a special category it should be marked with the category that should be active to take actions there.

Entering and Leaving a Location: A character's entrance and exit from a scene MUST be described after entry and before exit respectively. This includes those who may have some form of stealth in case it sets off any active defenses or other powers.

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Bot Users and Commands

+rpsp (Play rock paper scissors against bot)
+rpsbp (play rock paper scissors bomb against bot *please not this includes Bomb for the Bot as well, so if the opposing test would normally not have the bomb you may repeat the test until it is not used*)
+rps (have the bot throw rock paper scissors for you)
+rpsb (have the bot throw rock paper scissors bomb for you)
r.rps (You may optionally choose what to throw against the bot, but please note that the Bomb cannot be used in this command)

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Nothing that is not accepted at our physical games is acceptable here. Be respectful and take OOC disputes into private messages. Concerns with rules calls and IC interactions should likewise be taken privately directly to the Narrator or Storyteller running the scene or available. We run our physical game at our home, and if it is something that would get you kicked out of our home, it will have you kicked out of the server.

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How to Discord

Discord can be tough to figure out especially when on the fly trying to sign into a game. Here are some screenshots and links (tbd) that make help out.

Set Roles

Roles are used to tell Discord what channels you can see and what you can do.

To set roles "right-click" on your name and there should be a section called "Roles" that you can hover over to adjust.

Turn on Voice Chat

During Active games we are exploring the user of voice chat to facilitate a better experience, especially with smaller scenes.
To set up voice on Discord

  1. Click the "Gear" on the bottom left
  2. Click "Voice & Video"
  3. Click "Push to Talk"
  4. Set your keybind
  5. Test it out! "Testing, testing, 1, 2, 3"

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