Influence Assets

Assets are any sort of business or organization you can buy with your influence. For instance, purchasing a small bank (Level 3 out of Laws of the Night) is purchasing a FINANCE asset.

Upon INITIAL purchase, all assets begin at Level 1. Growth is persistent and will stay with the asset for the entirety of its existence within the world of Horizon.

All Assets will provide the following (At least)

  • Level Points of Influence
  • Use of Facilities

As assets grow, or assets that are initially purchased at a higher price (Larger Banks for instance), the rewards will also increase. Use of Facilities is a free action that may be used at any time – however, points may only be taken from an asset once per cycle and must be used upon redemption, they cannot be saved.

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Contact Guide

Contacts are a purely informational resource. With the way Horizon is running Influences we have decided to assign a Pip system to it as well, but a far more simplified one. Contacts are still purchased up as normal, without the need of any Growth Actions or the sort however like Influence Assets they will provide a flat number of points per cycle to take a set of actions and Specialized Contacts can be bought to provide additional points (this is described later). These points cannot be saved. The per cycle allotment of points is as follows:

LevelMinimum Pips

Possible Actions are as follows (Note that on any actions that coincide with an Influence action of the same type, the Contact points can be combined with that Influence Action for a stronger Action and that Blocks of the specified Influence also apply to uses of Contacts):


For Contacts this is two fold. First basic rumors, which are provided for each character at the beginning of game assuming the influences they possess generate any goings on, can be seen by one with contacts as well. Up to his level of Contacts he may spend a number of Pip to receive that level of basic rumors from any one given Influence. These rumors are essentially “water cooler conversation” amongst your peers in your influence and may or may not reflect the direct actions undertaken by a PC or NPC. In order to see other actions, but not necessarily actions tied to any one specific person or event, you must spend more points into RUMORS. This effect is similar to the effect. Upon spending additional points in rumors, again up to your level, you will receive general information up to that level about what (but not who) went on in your chosen influence up to the value in points you spent. Some of it will be simply rumor (all will have some basis in fact, and none will be arbitrary. This is to support the use of the Influence action “Inject”) Examples of some of the information gleaned through this method are large movements of people, large financial deals, etc. To get more specific information, one should use the action TRACE. However, more points spent on this action will also focus the information garnered by it at the Storyteller’s discretion. The limit on actions that can be uncovered this way is also the amount of points spent. This action can also be used to find out more general information (Who else is in the Influence specified, how much control do they have, etc). Note that Contacts can also perform this action to uncover information on people’s Resources and Contacts.

Example: Bobby Etherite spends 5 Contact points on rumors in Street. He uncovers up to 5 actions taken at 5 points or less.

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This action is very similar to rumors, but it is very specific. Trace allows you to trace either an action back to the person or situation who caused it, or to follow someone’s movements in an Influence or uses of Resources and Contacts. This action does not require the expenditure of rumors to find out if a person took the action. Spend points for this action like you would Rumors.

Example: Billy Etherite finds that his retainers are dead. He spends 6 Contact points in an Underworld Trace to find out why. He finds that Benny Etherite had spent 5 points in Underworld to kill his retainers. What. A. Dick.

Meanwhile, Benny Etherite is reading in The Monitor (an Award Winning Newspaper located in Connecticut and Rhode Island) about how large crowds of Homeless are being moved from Providence to New Haven. He places 5 Contact points into a Street Trace and sits back. A few hours later, he hears back from his Contact – Tommy Hermetic expended 4 points Street to move them from one place to another.

What Benny doesn’t know is that Tommy also spent 6 points in a Trace, however- he traced the action of Trace on his action, looking for who looks into him. He now knows that Benny just spent 5 points to find out what Tommy was doing. He immediately places a 3 point block on Tommy’s future attempts to trace in the world of Street, hides it and Injects the information that Billy Etherite is attempting to Block Benny’s attempts to Trace.

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Contacts are limited in their inability to build up pools of points so for those who wish to go more in depth with Contacts we allow the purchase of Specialized Contacts. Under Backgrounds these are listed as X Contacts where X is a specific area of Influence (Police, Underworld, Church, etc). These provide the same number of points as the general Contacts Background and can be combined with then, however only in Actions regarding the specific Influence listed. XP cost for these is the same, so likely it is best to maximize you general Contacts first.

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Resource Guide

Your Resource level determines how many Resources pips you get per cycle as with Influences. However even those with 0 gain 1 pip per cycle. One major difference is that Resources can be dropped below zero, indicating a character in increasing debt as indicated the building of negative pips.

LevelMinimum PipsUpdated Descriptions
-5-8Significant debt, you own loan sharks and they want their money
-4-4Possibly gambling debts or bad investments
-3-2Minor debt, living off the land and you need odd jobs
-2-1Bills, no income, homeless
-10Poverty, income $200, living in commune or shelter
01Poor, income $500, with roomies and a bus pass.
12Small savings and holdings, income $1,000, have apartment, cheap means of transportation.
24Modest savings and holdings, income $3,000, have condo and motorcycle or modest car
38Significant savings and holdings, income $10,000, own house, car.
416Large savings and holdings, income $30,000, own large house or some small properties, two vehicles, some luxuries and unusual items.
532Rich, income $90,000, own estate and grounds, multiple small properties, several vehicles, arts and treasures, as well as luxury items.

*Remember that incomes listed are disposable income that can be obtained by spending for an action at that level and is AFTER life expenses to maintain the other items list at that level (there are actions that can get you more at the cost of your lifestyle).


Resource actions are very similar to Influence actions as far as spending, though the types of actions differ as follows:

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Money makes the world go ‘round and thusly it is possible to use Resources in the place of or to supplement Influences. First you must have access to the level of Influence for the action you are attempting. It is possible, for a single action to access up to one level above your current level by spending 10 times that level in Resource points. Then for every 4 points spent from resources you may add an addition point accessible for use in an Influence for an action. Points gained this way must be used and cannot be saved.

Example: Ralf Akashic has Police Influence x3 but he wants to start an investigation against some criminals that stole from him. He spends 40 Resource points to access Police Influence x4 and then 4 Influence points to initiate the investigation. He also wished to Hide that he initiated this action but only has 1 Police point left. He spends an additional 16 Resource points to add 4 points so that he might spend 5 total to Hide his action.

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It is possible to give your Resources to other PCs. You spend any amount of points up to your maximum on Donate to grant the specified target that many points to use. Unlike Influences, these points can be saved.

Example: Chris Verbena spends 21 points of Resources to loan Ken Verbena 21 points. Ken Verbena has Level 5 Resources as well, so for the duration of this cycle he has access to up to 53 points that he can take advantage of up to Level 5 (His Level).

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It is possible for a character to grow their own Resources, thereby increasing the amount of wealth they have. They may do this regardless of any caps on influence there are in game. When your Resources are at 0 or positive: To increase to the next Pip you must spend a number of points equal to the Resource Level it is in. In order to grow to the next level, you must spend points equal to twice the next Level of Resources and a point of Experience. When your Resources are negative: To remove a negative Pip a flat two points are all that is required, however an Experience is still required to cross up to the next level until 0 is again attained. Obviously with a constant building of negative points this can only be accomplished through Donations/Loans from others or the use of an Influence that has the ability to be spent for this purpose (Note that this is literally ‘spending money to make money’, but some Influences have the ability to use their points for Resource growth as listed in the Influence Section).

Examples: To growth from Level 3 to Level 4 you would have to get your Pips up to 15 then spend 8 points and an Experience.

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Assets are Influence-based items, but sheer money can build and grow them. When you purchase an Asset it starts at level 1 (Assets are described earlier in the Influence section) and in order for it to provide better bonuses, it will need to have points put into Growth to make the asset better. You must spend points equal to twenty times the next level of the asset. These points can be spent in combination with points from Influences.

Example: To grow an asset from Level 1 to Level 2 requires 40 points. From 2 to 3, 60 points. 3 to 4 would be 80 points and 4 to 5 would be 100 points. With 280 points spent, you can growth an asset from level 1 to level 5. Assuming you have 32 points in an influence, and you dedicate your entire time to growth an asset, it will take 8.75 months of solid growth to accomplish this. However, this also assumes you are working alone, and are not taking advantage of any bonuses otherwise available. When attempting this action, it is important to remember that you are using Resources to literally throw money at the problem like buying new facilities/equipment, giving bonuses or funding employee parties among many possibilities. The method has to be declared before the growth occurs.

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A desperate action, it is an attempt to gain a large amount of points or money in an emergency. No matter where your Pips are this action drops you to the minimum Pip in a Resource level below your current one. From this you can either gain an instant pool of 10 times your current Pip and they must be used in that cycle or be lost. Additionally they cannot be used for the purpose of increasing your Resource level however for the remainder of that cycle you can act as if your Resource level was still what it was before the Liquidation. This is most often used for powerful Loan or Spend Actions, or potentially as a Bribe but any non-Growth Actions are allowable. This can be used to put you into negative Resources, in fact once you pass 0 the multiplier is 10 times the Minimum Pip of the next level as if it were a positive number. The advantage of this is the potential to pay debts (robbing Peter to pay Paul as it were), potentially Loaning points to gain back more in the end or potentially to gamble with in hopes of gaining enough back to buy your way out of negative levels. A Loan with these points may be Recouped at a rate of 2 per cycle until your Resources are back into positive numbers.

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With this action like Donation, it is possible to loan your Resources to other PCs for the duration of a cycle. You spend any amount of points up to your maximum on Loan to grant the specified target that many points to use. Unlike Influences, these points can be saved, however when you Loan rather than donate you are left able to perform a Recoup Action.

Example: Chris Verbena spends 21 points of Resources to loan Ken Verbena 21 points. Ken Verbena has Level 5 Resources as well, so for the duration of this cycle he has access to up to 53 points that he can take advantage of up to Level 5 (His Level).

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This is a recovery of points given in a Loan Action. You can perform this action each cycle after a Loan is made. Each time you may recoup up to your level in points and may continue doing so until A) you have recovered twice as many points as you loaned or B) that character performs a Donate Action to you for a total of 1.5 (rounded up) times the amount loaned (this is in total with whatever has already been recouped at that point, but if the amount already recouped by this action has exceeded the amount initially lent they must donate an amount that would bring the total to twice as many points). If at any point a Recoup would exceed the number of points the character has left that character is forced to perform a Liquidate Action to make up the remaining points (as listed above). If your Resources are zero or negative Recouping will gain back 2 points per cycle until your Resources are in positive numbers again.

Example: Jon Dreamspeaker lends 12 points of Resources to Les Lasombra. Jon’s Resource level is 3 and so each cycle he may Recoup that amount from Les. He Recoups 9 when Les decides to Donate another 9 and clear the debt. If on the other hand Jon Recoups 15 before Les wishes to repay him then Les still has to Donate 9 points to pay off the debt since Jon had already Recouped more than 12 points.

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Simply up to your level you may spend the minimum pips worth of points to gain that level’s income amount worth of spendable cash/credit. Note that anyone from -1 and up can get a hold of $200 once per cycle at no cost (and so long as they have not spent points for a Spend Action in the previous cycleh3>

Example: Felix Etherite has Resources 4 and may spend 16 points to get a hold of $30,000, or only 8 to get $10,000, 4 to get $3000, 2 to get $1,000 or 1 to get $500.

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Resource Assets are very similar to Influence Assets, it’s any sort of business or organization you can buy with your resources. These can and often are interconnected with Influence Assets. A bank for example can provide Financial Influence as well as income. They are bought separately, but can be the same business.

Upon INITIAL purchase, all assets begin at Level 1. Growth is persistent and will stay with the asset for the entirety of its existence within the world of Horizon.

All Assets will provide the following (At least)

  • Level Points of Resources
  • Use of Facilities

As assets grow, or assets that are initially purchased at a higher price (Larger Banks for instance), the rewards will also increase. Use of Facilities is a free action that may be used at any time – however, points may only be taken from an asset once per cycle and must be used upon redemption, they cannot be saved.

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