Shadows on the Horizon

Special Mage Paths


This Special Path is purchased as an Ability, with a cost of two XP per level and is limited by Arete and other factors detailed in the Martial Arts Section. Its benefits are also detailed in the Martial Arts Section.

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This is actually a group of Special Paths purchased as Abilities, with a cost of two XP per level and is limited by Arete. Its benefits are detailed in the Goetia Section.

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This is actually a group of Special Paths purchased as Abilities, with a cost of two XP per level and is limited by Arete. Its benefits are detailed in the Hypertech Section.

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This is actually a group of Special Paths purchased as Abilities, with a cost of two XP per level and is limited by Arete. Its benefits are detailed in the Hypertech Section.

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This Special Path is purchased as an Ability, with a cost of two XP per level and is limited by Arete. The secrets of the ancient paths that wind between the Realm and Penumbra, connecting many sites of power and holiness. Decay, destruction and cleansing not all Nodes connect and many paths end abruptly in random locations and allow spirits to slip in, making them far less safe than they once were. The level of this Ability represents the depth of knowledge the Verbena has of these paths, though ultimately weather any locations are connected is up to the ST, though some Nodes still connected to the paths may be controlled by other Traditions, the Union or even creatures whom may be completely unaware of the access they allow into their midst. Tests with this ability can also allow the Verbena to find entrances and exits from the paths into and out of the Penumbra and the Realm, potentially allowing one to cross without passing through the barriers and where it still rises these paths are safe from the Avatar Storms. Ultimately this ability should be treated like a crossing of a Lore and Awareness of these paths.

To access the Wyck Paths from the Realm requires a rote of the same name, requiring only either Apprentice Correspondence or Spirit. Travel between two locations along the paths take half the normal travel time. Each additional Grade of Success allows the Verbena to take an additional person with them or to reduce travel time by additional increments (1/3, 1/4, etc)

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