Shadows on the Horizon


Spending Rage

A Cub equivalent shifter may spend a maximum of one Rage per round (unless a specific Gift calls for more). An additional Rage can be spend for each rank attained there after, so an Elder can spend up to 6 Rage per round. While in a Frenzy this limit is increased by an additional one.

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Homid: Diff 6, No Traits
Rara Avis: Diff 7, Attentive, Discerning, Nimble, Observant, Tireless, Wiry; Bestial x2, Tactless
Corvid: Diff 6, Alert, Attentive, Discerning, Nimble, Observant; Bestial x2, Delicate, Puny

Flight, in Crinos and Corvid

Due to the light skeletons that flight requires, all Corax also receive the Negative Physical Trait Delicate, even in Homid form.

All corvid Corax automat ically begin with two free levels of the Flight ability

Altered Senses

Two Traits up on all challenges involving visual perception
Two Traits down all tests related to smell

Once per story, a Corax may call for a free retest directly pertaining to uncovering a secret, as their keen noses for sensing the heart of the mystery guide them in the right direction.


First of all, the Corax must get the permission of the body before taking an eye; this requires no special Gift, just a simple spoken request. Most bodies agree, as it may help put their spirits to rest, but politeness is defin itely a plus - after all, the body has nothing to lose by refusing a request, either. The Corax must enter Corvid form and make a Static Mental Challenge against four Traits. If successful, the Corax may drink from one eye and gain a vision of the last moments of a corpse's life. This vision takes a tum to run its course (though it may seem like much longer than that) and comes in the form of a series of incredibly intense images from the victim's point of view. Receiving a corpse's last vision takes the entirety of the Corax's attention, and they are at a two- Trait penalty on all tests for the duration of the vision. Only one eye may be taken per corpse. The left eye provides a vision of the worst part of the death, while the right eye shows the best part of the death.


Whenever a Corax is confronted by a particularly shiny, large or interesting-looking object, she must make a Static Willpower Challenge against six Traits or spend a Willpower Trait to avoid giving the object at least a cursory visible examination.


Corax are therefore one Trait down on all challenges involving keeping quiet, holding their tongues or otherwise refraining from speaking. (Yes, this includes Willpower Tests to avoid getting one last dig in at the frothing Get of Fenris that has just been brought down from a fit of raging homicidal mania.) Naturally, this can get them in all kinds of trouble pretty quickly.

Renown: Should Corax spread word (generally in downtime) of the acts of others it will increase to gain (or loss) of renown from that event.

Gold and Silver

Due to their relation to Helios, Corax are not affected by silver, but suffer the same consequences from gold instead. Direct contact with gold in Corvid or Rara Avis form causes a level of aggravated damage per tum, and even in Homid form the Corax is extremely uncomfortable around gold and will naturally refrain from carrying it or wearing any gold jewelry. Regardless of their current form, they suffer aggravated damage from weapons forged of gold (not simply inlaid or decorated with gold, but ones in which the majority of the weapon itself is pure gold) the same as Garou do from silver weapons, and suffer the same Gnosis penalty for every gold object they carry.


Corax will be allowed to freely purchase Garou Ragabash and Galliard Gifts at out of BAT cost.

Rank Benefits

Corax gain the following benefits as they go up in rank

Rank 1 - You gain the ability to preempt any physical actions taken in the same turn, as long as you are aware of them (a mugging, yes - a sniper attack, no). Thus, if someone declares an attempt to pull out a hidden weapon and shoot at you, you can preempt that action to pull out your own gun and fire back (instead of being relegated to dodging). Similarly, if someone attacks an ally, you can preempt the action to get in the way and fight against the aggressor instead. If you attempt to preempt someone using Celerity or a similar speed-enhancing power, the traits are compared as normal.

Rank 2 - Gain one additional move action in your turn (including flight).

Rank 3 - When performing an action where speed is of the essence, such as dodging an attack, throwing a knife or grabbing something out of someone’s hand, you can choose to use the Bomb, a fist with the thumb pointing upward; the Bomb defeats Rock and Paper, but loses to Scissors (the fuse is cut) and ties with other Bombs. This symbol is usable in any challenges of speed throughout the turn. However, you are not required to use the Bomb - it is simply another option. You may use it in any challenge where you rely on your own speed, even if your opponent attempts to use strength or stamina. Thus, if you try to use it to dodge out of the way of someone grabbing at you, you can still use the Bomb. If the opponent possessed the Vampiric power of Might, you could still use the Bomb for speed, but the opponent would be able to use his Might retest for grappling.

Rank 4 - Gain one additional move action in your turn (including flight).

Rank 5 - You now win all ties in challenges of speed, regardless of Traits. If some other consideration would cause you to lose on ties (such as wounds or an enemy’s Vampiric Potence), you compare Traits normally instead of losing automatically. It functions in all challenges where you rely on speed, even if your opponent tries to use strength or stamina. Thus, if you use it to challenge an opponent who uses the strength of Vampiric Puissance, ties are determined normally (since you both have powers that would win all ties). If the opponent only had Vampiric Might, you would win all ties but still be vulnerable to a Might retest

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Regaining Rage

*In the latter to situations one can fall into a Frenzy, testing their Rage against a difficulty based on the Moon phase: 8 New Moon, 7 Crescent Moon, 6 half Moon, 5 Gibbous Moon, 4 Full Moon


Regaining Gnosis



Homid: Diff 6, No Traits
Glabro: Diff 7, Brawny, Robust, Tough, Tireless; Bestial, Feral, Repugnant
Crinos: Diff 6, Brawny x 2, Ferocious, Quick, Rugged, Tirekss x 2, Tough; Bestial x 2, Feral x 2, Repugnant x 2; no Manipulation-related and Appearance-related Traits (see p. 74)
Hispo: Diff 7, Brawny, Enduring, Ferocious, Lithe, Quick, Rugged, Tireless, Tough; Bestial x 2, Feral; no Manipulation-related Traits
Lupus: Diff 6, Lithe, Quick, Rugged, Tireless, Tough; Bestial x 2, Feral x 2; no Manipulation-related Traits


Cub: 10 Traits, 3 Tempers, Basic Gifts
Cliath: 11 Traits, 5 Tempers, Basic Gifts
Fostern: 12 Traits, 6 Tempers, Basic Gifts
Adren: 14 Traits, 7 Tempers, Intermediate Gifts
Athro: 16 Traits, 8 Tempers, Intermediate Gifts
Elder: 18 Traits, 10 Tempers, Advanced Gifts


Anytime a character makes a Rage challenge, follow it with a Frenzy Challenge, a Static Willpower Challenge against the character’s permanent Rage total. If Willpower wins, the character retains control; otherwise the character enters frenzy and can only abort the frenzy by spending a Willpower Trait and forfeiting any remaining actions for the rest of the turn.

Garou with fewer than four permanent Rage Traits frenzy only in really extreme circumstances. When current Rage exceeds permanent Rage, use the current total instead.

Berserk frenzy reduces the Garou to seeing the world in blood-drenched monochrome, aware of motion but not of details and driven to make everything moving bleed until it stops. Berserk Garou shift into Crinos or Hispo (at the player’s choice) and attack.. . something. Garou with permanent Gnosis higher than permanent Rage do not attack packmates except in the Thrall of the Wyrm (see below), though they do attack everything else moving in the area. Garou with less permanent Gnosis than permanent Rage don’t make an exception for packmates. A Berserk Garou can spend one Willpower Trait for a modicum of control - the Storyteller directs the character to one of the actually hostile targets nearby.

Berserk Garou retain no memory of what happens in frenzy and usually collapse from exhaustion when it ends. Fox frenzy reduces the Garou to pure terror and a drive to flee. Fox-frenzying Garou shift to Lupus form and run as fast as possible away from the threat that induced frenzy. They attack anything that gets in their way, but only to make it get out of the way. They seek out some safe hiding place and stay there until the frenzy passes.

Both forms of frenzy prohibit the use of special maneuvers and pack tactics. The character can bite, claw or run, and that’s all. The character can spend for extra actions but cannot engage in complex actions, use Gifts, step sideways and so on. Frenzying Garou ignore all wound penalties until the frenzy passes. Frenzy ends with the triggering situation. Once it passes, make a Static Willpower Challenge against permanent Rage to recover. Repeat this challenge each turn until its succeeds

Thrall of the Wyrm

When a character enters frenzy, make two Simple Tests. If both fail, the Garou has gone beyond the bounds of useful Rage and into spiritual territory occupied by the Wyrm. Willpower cannot bring the Garou out of this state, and normal frenzy conditions gain horrific complications.

Homid Garou become infected by the Eater-of-Souls, which drives them to acts of cannibalism on humans, wolves and other Garou. Whenever a homid Garou in Thrall kills or incapacitates a target, make a Static Mental Challenge against seven Traits to avoid the compulsion to spend the next turn feeding on the body.

Metis Garou come under the attention of the Defiler Wyrm, which drives them to attacks ofpsycho-sexual perversion. A metis who kills or incapacitates a target while in Thrall must make a Static Mental Challenge against seven Traits to avoid the compulsion to spend the next turn defiling the helpless body.

Lupus Garou are sought out by the Beast-of-War, which amplifies their natural predatory instincts to insane heights. A Garou who kills or incapacitates a foe while in Thrall must make a Static Mental Challenge against seven Traits to avoid the compulsion to keep attacking until the target is dismembered and strewn around.

The Thrall terrifies Garou. Normal frenzy serves as a defense mechanism, a survival trait given the hostile world the Garou confront. Wyrm-frenzy corrupts that sanctuary and forces Garou to examine the Wyrm within themselves, something very few want to do. Some Garou go so far as to commit suicide after Wyrm-frenzy rather than deal with its consequences.


Delirium Chart

1YesCatatonic FearThis poor unfortunate seems to have a very close link to his ancestral memories. He rolls up into a ball and prays that everything will go away. He will suppress the memory of the entire experience, remembering nothing.
2 YesPanicThis individual runs as far away as possible, even running through glass windows and over cliffs in her terror. All she will remember later is the intense feeling of terror, and the certainty that something threatened her.
3YesDisbeliefThe person insists that the Garou isn’t real. He attributes the wolf-man to stress, a trick of the light, drugs, drinking, flashbacks, insanit, or any number of things.
4YesBerserkThis person reacts with blind, frenzied fear. She feels that she must act in some way, whether that action is to run away, destroy things (breaking windows, shooting holes in the floor), or even attack the Garou. All she remembers later is the sight of something big, hairy, and perhaps monstrous.?
5YesTerrorThis reaction is not as intense as Panic, but similar in nature. The person still moves away from the Garou as quickly as possible, but he remembers to lock doors, get into his car and drive away, etc. Later he remembers seeing something hairy, big and mean.
6YesConciliatoryThis person will do or say almost anything to avoid getting hurt, even though she is on the verge of collapse from fear. She may remember physical details of the Garou, such as fur color or height.
7No, but rationalizesControlled FearPerhaps this person is a war veteran or worked as a cop for some number of years. He may be terrified, but he keeps a cool exterior. Later he remembers most details of the situation and knows that what he saw wasn’t natural.
8No, but rationalizesCuriosityInstead of fear, this individual displays curiosity. Perhaps she’s a researcher or just a nut. Maybe she thinks the Garou is a person suffering from a disease that causes excessive body hair or Bigfoot himself. She may try to study the Garou from a distance or sell his story to the tabloids. Later she’s likely to rationalize the story away.
9NoBloodlustRather than curiosity, this person reacts with anger. He runs for his gun rather than a camera or notebook. Perhaps one of his distant ancestors killed a Garou
10NoNo Reaction / BlaseThis person displays no unusual reaction at all, whether from shock or just a strong constitution. If spoken to she responds as she would to a normal person. Later she remembers everything in perfect detail.


Garou Heal Aggravated Wounds as though they were Bashing, except those caused by Silver.

Rank Benefits

Garou gain the following benefits as they go up in rank

Rank 1 - Unarmed and clubbing attacks inflict Lethal, can also recoup all physicals once per session.

Rank 2 - Free retest on any Strength challenge

Rank 3 - Can use the Bomb on Strength challenges.

Rank 4 - Can bid Potent in Physical challenges

Rank 5 - Win all Strength related test ties and an additional level of damage for all Strength related attacks.

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Rank Benefits

Gurahl gain the following benefits as they go up in rank

Rank 1 - You do not suffer any wound penalties from anything past the Bruised health level.

Rank 2 - You can shrug off damage from most sources, ignoring pain and damage alike. Your body resists harm with incredible strength. You gain one additional health level, which functions just like an extra Healthy line on your health level chart. This health level can be lost and healed like any other.

Rank 3 - When you suffer aggravated damage, you may immediately make a Simple Test to try to reduce the severity of the damage. If you succeed, you reduce the injury to lethal damage. Before making the test, you may choose to expend a stamina-related Physical Trait, allowing you to reduce injury on a win or a tie. Otherwise, you must win the test outright. Thus, if you suffer two or more levels of aggravated damage from a particular attack, you may test to reduce only one level to lethal damage.

Rank 4 - When you suffer lethal or bashing damage, you may make a Simple Test immediately to avoid some of the damage. If you succeed, you remove one level of the damage from the amount suffered. Before making the test, you may choose to expend a stamina related Physical Trait, allowing you to avoid a level of damage on a win or tie. Otherwise you must win the test outright. So if you suffer two or more levels of damage from a single attack, you may only attempt to reduce a single level of damage from that attack.

Rank 5 - At any point during a turn, you may expend a permanent Gnosis Trait or three permanent Physical Traits, you immediately revoke any damage that you suffered in the turn, and you take no damage for the remainder of the turn.

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Homid - Diff 6, No Traits
Tsitsu - Diff 7, Vigorous, Wiry, Nimble; Tactless
Manabozho - Diff 6, Quick x2, Nimble x2, Wiry, Rugged, Energetic; Bestial x 2, Tactless
Sendeh - Diff 7, Quick x2, Nimble, Energetic, Tireless, Wiry; Bestial x 2, Impatient
Latrani - Diff 6, Quick, Lithe, Rugged; Bestial


Cub - 10 Traits, 3 Tempers, Basic Gifts
Son/Daughter - 11 Traits, 5 Tempers, Basic Gifts
Brother/Sister - 12 Traits, 6 Tempers, Basic Gifts
Aunt/Uncle - 14 Traits, 7 Tempers, Intermediate Gifts
Father/Mother - 16 Traits, 8 Tempers, Intermediate Gifts
Grandfather/Grandmother - 18 Traits, 10 Tempers, Advanced Gifts

Trickster's greatest gift to his children is their ability to laugh at what others find serious; in times of their greatest need, Coyote grants his faithful children the ability to defy the laws of reality. Thus, a Nuwisha might run off a cliff and fail to fall, hide behind a tree no thicker than his arm or even vanish into "thin air" (actually into the Umbra). Whatever the case, this particular quirk manifests as a chance to extricate oneself from danger-a Nuwisha may thus use some quick thinking and Trickster's Blessing to call for a Fair Escape, which usually cannot be followed or otherwise defeated. Of course, if the Nuwisha is caught later on, he'll have to make his own luck. Note that the actual effect is narrative - the only game effect is the ability to call a Fair Escape. This power is potentially easy to abuse and should only be used once per session (if even that often ). Nuwisha who try to rely on it too much to save their hides might find it fails them at inopportune times, or that Coyote requires some great service in exchange for granting it. After all, Trickster only does so much for his children - they're supposed to get by on their own.

All Nuwisha are considered Ragabash, and they are denied the Rage of Luna as well - Nuwisha start with no Rage Traits and can never gain any. This makes them immune to both berserk and fox frenzy, but they also lose the extra speed and power Rage offers, putting them at a serious disadvantage when battling other changers and many types of Wyrm-creatures. Any Gifts or other supernatural powers that cause frenzy can still work. This also grants them immunity to silver. Silver weapons still harm them, of course, but do not inflict aggravated damage, and the Nuwisha may use his full Traits ~ when testing against opponents with silver.

A Nuwisha must either spend a Willpower Trait or win a Willpower Test {against six Traits) any time he wishes to avoid finishing a prank he has started. This is likewise required for the Nuwisha to avoid the urge to retaliate with a greater prank when someone successfully dupes him.

All Nuwisha have the permanent Negative Social Trait Untrustworthy, which may be called by anyone who knows their true nature.

Rank Benefits

Nuwisha gain the following benefits as they go up in rank

Rank 1 - You gain the ability to preempt any physical actions taken in the same turn, as long as you are aware of them (a mugging, yes - a sniper attack, no). Thus, if someone declares an attempt to pull out a hidden weapon and shoot at you, you can preempt that action to pull out your own gun and fire back (instead of being relegated to dodging). Similarly, if someone attacks an ally, you can preempt the action to get in the way and fight against the aggressor instead. If you attempt to preempt someone using Celerity or a similar speed-enhancing power, the traits are compared as normal.

Rank 2 - Gain one additional move action in your turn (including flight).

Rank 3 - When performing an action where speed is of the essence, such as dodging an attack, throwing a knife or grabbing something out of someone’s hand, you can choose to use the Bomb, a fist with the thumb pointing upward; the Bomb defeats Rock and Paper, but loses to Scissors (the fuse is cut) and ties with other Bombs. This symbol is usable in any challenges of speed throughout the turn. However, you are not required to use the Bomb - it is simply another option. You may use it in any challenge where you rely on your own speed, even if your opponent attempts to use strength or stamina. Thus, if you try to use it to dodge out of the way of someone grabbing at you, you can still use the Bomb. If the opponent possessed the Vampiric power of Might, you could still use the Bomb for speed, but the opponent would be able to use his Might retest for grappling.

Rank 4 - Gain one additional move action in your turn (including flight).

Rank 5 - You now win all ties in challenges of speed, regardless of Traits. If some other consideration would cause you to lose on ties (such as wounds or an enemy’s Vampiric Potence), you compare Traits normally instead of losing automatically. It functions in all challenges where you rely on speed, even if your opponent tries to use strength or stamina. Thus, if you use it to challenge an opponent who uses the strength of Vampiric Puissance, ties are determined normally (since you both have powers that would win all ties). If the opponent only had Vampiric Might, you would win all ties but still be vulnerable to a Might retest

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