Shadows on the Horizon

Group Advantages and Disadvantages

Akashic Brotherhood

Advantage: Souls of Wind and Fire

From the Book

Akashics are renowned for their self-control, and they retain a certain poise in the face pf tremendous pressure. Situations that would knock members of other Traditions for a loss seldom do the same to these disciplined mystics. They can still feel and express emotion-they maybe raging or screaming inside, and extreme horrors can still pose a threat to their sanity but they are better at controlling those impulses than most people. When a Storyteller calls for characters to react automatically to a situation due to emotional trauma, such as indicating that everyone is Stunned with revulsion at the sight of a bloody scene of occult sacrifices, the player of the Akashic Brother may make a Simple Test. On a win or tie, the Brother is unfazed and able to act rationally. On a loss, the player must spend a Trait of Willpower for the character to overcome the impulse, just like anyone else, meaning they can cast while in combat.

Kemian: May have any dedicated, unique foci turned into a Talisman that works only for them by a Sensei in the Realm of Xiudaoyuan. These must be made in twos, meaning two unique foci, and after being done they cannot practice any of their magic unless they are both present in some way. As benefit, when using these foci in their magics (for either sphere) they gain a one trait bonus on their Arete challenges. Additionally, these items do not work for anyone but their owners, being bound to their Avatars. They become nothing but an ordinary object in another's hands. After initial creation these may be given an additional power each time the Akashic attains an Arete. These items are like part of their person and it takes powerful magics to separate them. The first is made as an Apprentice and the second as an initiate.

ln addition, all Akashic Brothers receive at least some training in Do regardless of faction. Therefore, beginning Akashics receive a level of Brawl And the Brawl specialization of Do for free. (See the Abilities section of Chapter Three for rules on specialization.) Alternatively, you may replace one or both of these with a free level of Meditation instead.

Game Break Down

In addition to being unfazed by intense events with a Simple Test Akashics win on ties in any test to retain Concentration.

The Brawl and/or Meditation they receive allow them to exceed their normal trait maximum in those abilities.

Only Akashics may learn Do and it comes with special ability requirements aside from that normally required for Martial Arts. They cannot teach it outside of their Tradition, however they are able to teach any standard Martial Art up to their level of Do.

Game Expansion

Do Rotes (based on info from Tradition book)

Askashics can learn and create Rotes that utilize the power of their Chi. Done in conjunction with a specific Martial Maneuver these Rotes enhance that maneuver in some way. The Maneuver itself will always count as the use of a Focus.

Disadvantage: Carrying Water and Chopping Wood

From the Book

As centered as their philosophy is on individuality, Akashic teachers believe that young practitioners must find their own path to Ascension, which often proves very frustrating for young mages. Any mentor that an Akashic Brother relies upon probably either gives very cryptic answers to tough questions, or he can't offer personalized advice. An Akashic Brother cannot use a Library Background to learn Spheres, and he must make a Simple Test (win or tie) to learn a level of Sphere magic from any mentor or tutor. Failure means that the Akashic student simply can't grasp the intricacies of the personal magic, and he can't spend the Experience Traits for the new level until retesting again at the end of the next game.

Game Break Down

The above description stands for game mechanics.

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Celestial Chorus

Advantage: Song of the One

From the Book

A popular modem homily holds that during a world religion conference, the ranking members of the various faiths bickered about every conceivable point of religious belief, while the lay monks and nuns all understood each other perfectly fine. The lesson to be learned is that simple faith is universally recognized, and perhaps no one knows this fact better than the Chorus.

People of faith recognize instinctively the aura of devotion that surrounds Chorus members, regardless of any religious differences between the two. Faithful folk usually treat Choristers respectfully, and those Choristers in dire need may also receive some minor favors such as food, first aid or shelter from them as well. While this advantage is no absolute guarantee of protection, such random acts of kindness can help out mages when things look their darkest. Each Chorister has one automatic level of Church Influence or Allies (player's choice), and one level of either Academics, Theology or Expression Ability.

The Chorus' strong ties to divine energy and the essence of the One also keep them well in tune with Prime energy even beyond the usual levels of their mastery with the Sphere. A member of the Chorus refreshes one Trait of Quintessence per session automatically, in addition to that from available Nodes, extra Quintessence from the Avatar Background and so on.

Game Break Down

The free level of Influence or Allies and of Academics, Theology or Expression may exceed the normal associated trait limits.

The extra trait of Quintessence gained by the Chorister can overcome a point of Paradox should they conflict with a Simple Test.

Game Expansion

Celestial Chorus have access to Goetia, detailed in our Goetia section.

Disadvantage: Shards-of the One

Regardless of what they might say on the surface, all Choristers consider their personal faith to be the one true path, so the Tradition has a long history of conflict about the way Ascension should be brought to the masses. These conflicts have left deep scars as well. To reflect these past rivalries and secrets notions of superiority, all Choristers have some level of intolerance for at least one other religious faith (or perhaps an especially common expression of that faith, such as its symbol or customary garb).

They need not be violent about their dislike, but it is definitely there. If members of this Tradition are ever to bring on Ascension, they must learn to shrug off these bitter shackles and embrace each other in the true spirit of unity. A Chorister must select at least one faith that the character finds revolting or entirely misguided, and it should be one that a Storyteller approves of. (No fair taking Zoroastrianism just because you know it will never come into play.) The Chorister suffers a one-Trait penalty on all challenges involving a follower of that repugnant faith, simply because of his distaste or condescension.

Game Break Down

The above description stands for game mechanics.

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Cult of Ecstasy

Advantage: Break On Through!

From the Book

As open and experimental as their philosophies and lifestyles usually are, most Cultists are used to dealing with a wide range of people, and they usually have little trouble being accepted as they flit between different social scenes. A Cultist might begin the day working hard at the gym, spend the afternoon debating philosophy with professors at the local university, follow dinner by jumping into the pit at an underground punk show and then rave 'till dawn with the local club-going elite. This "coolness" factor is not necessarily an automatic backstage pass, and it is not really helpful beyond some face recognition and a number of casual acquaintances, but it definitely helps smooth things out when traveling in Local artistic and philosophical circles. A Cultist's uncanny preparedness and flexibility allows him to move easily between levels of society. Although it doesn't replace the usefulness of Etiquette or Streetwise Ability, it does mean that the Cultist has a reasonable expectation of what to bring and how to behave to fit in with folks from all social circles.

As centered as they are on finding new perspectives, all Cultists receive two (total) free levels between Athletics, Etiquette, Expression, Performance, Streetwise or Subterfuge in fields that suit their particular style of magic. Many Cultists focus on song, dance or playing instruments that can easily be carried, but that rule is as often observed in its violation as in its practice.

Game Expansion

The Estatic can choose to 'turn on' the perceptive ability of any level one sphere and leave it on indefinitely, naturally making perception tests with that sense open. Remember that some spheres have different perceptions involved with them (like Forces includes low light, thermal, sonar, etc) and these each count separately. Up to your Arete can be maintained without penalty, for each past that kept open gives a penalty of 1 to Mental tests.

Disadvantage: Sensation Junkie

From the Book

Like many mages, most newly Awakened Cultists have trouble separating the will to perform magic from the foci that help channel it into being. Unlike other Willworkers, however, the foci that the Cult uses all too easily become addictions in their own right. Drugs, sex, music, daredevil stunts and even medication can all become crutches for the character using them, and some Cultists find themselves compelled to indulge in their foci on a regular basis even when they are not working magic. Every Cultist character indulges in some sort of vice, and he muse rake the opportunity to indulge at least once per game session. Usually this indulgence has some sort of down side. For instance, a cultist might wind up out of play for an hour at a really opportune moment, or he might find himself two Traits down on all challenges for an hour. The Storyteller determines the specific severity of the addiction, but either of the preceding penalties is appropriate as a general rule.

Game Break Down

The above description stands for game mechanics.

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Advantage: Heart Whispers

From the Book

Since they are attuned to the currents of the Invisible world, many Dreamspeakers learn to recognize the subtle, telltale omens of spirit activity even before using their magic. For example, they-might see a flicker of fire in their eyes when they look in the mirror one morning- which is a sure sign that someone they will meet that day is possessed - or they might detect a faint rotting scent of corruption before entering a spiritually defiled area. These hints are seldom very direct, but they can offer a clue as to what might be lurking in the area. They can also be invaluable to those unable to use actual magic for some reason. Clever Storytellers will be quick to employ this Tradition Advantage to add elements of mood and foreshadowing co the story, while still offering the character some helpful hints about the state of spirits in the region.

During character creation, Dreamspeakers receive a free level of the Cosmology Ability that reflects their natural knowledge of the spirit world. Dreamspeaker characters also have a level of Awarerness, which shows their ties to mystical cycles. Better still, unlike other mages, a Dreamspeaker may use his Etiquette Ability with spirits.

Game Break Down

The free level of Cosmology or Awareness may exceed the normal associated trait limits.

Any time Awareness or Intuition is used regarding spiritual powers or effects a Dreamspeaker will gain an automatic insight into their nature without use of Sphere senses. The ST can also offer enigmatic signs of things planned for the future involving spiritual matters (generally requiring Enigma checks to interpreted).

Etiquette can be used in challenges regarding dealing with Spirits socially.

Game Expansion

Unlike most Willworkers, Dreamspeakers can attract the attention and favor of the totem spirits most Shapeshifters revere. With the Storyteller's permission, a Dreamspeaker character may purchase the Totem Background. Although this relationship is special - these spirits don't often honor a 'mere' human with their attention - it works in almost every way like the bond between a Garou and his chosen patron (Werewolf: The Apocalypse, pages 113, 259-264). The exceptions are:

The Totem background can be purchased for a Personal Totem up to a rating of Arete + Spirit Sphere.

Linguistics: Odu - The Dreamspeakers can uniquely learn the language of spirits, able to speak with them naturally without the use of magic. This language can only be spoken in perfect truth. One cannot lie in this language and it cannot be used to manipulate.

Dreamwalking: Natural awakened Dreamspeakers can enter the Astral Realms physically like crossing into an Umbral Realm where as most Mage cannot, this also does not apply to Mage that have changed their Tradition to be Dreamspeakers or those who have it as the secondary Tradition in the Dual Tradition Merit.

Disadvantage: Dying Ways

From the Book

Since they were never a very close knit group to begin with, the Dreamspeakers have suffered greatly from a lack of communication in recent years. These days, it is difficult for them to find others of their kind at all. Even if they do find others, the diverse practices of the Tradition make learning from them a haphazard matter at best. Dreamspeaker libraries are nearly nonexistent as well since most of these groups rely on oral traditions. Dreamspeakers may not begin with more than two levels of either the Mentor or Library Backgrounds, and it is within the Storyteller's discretion to ban those Traits entirely. Furthermore, while most other Traditions have an organized and unified structure, the Dreamspeakers are more a hodgepodge of spiritualists and shamans who have been shoved into one category by the rest of the Traditions. A Dreamspeaker has one less Reputation Trait than his position would normally suggest, simply because a Dreamspeaker leader's authority isn't recognized as widely.

Additional Game House Rule

Per our rules about Sphere interacting with Spiritual and other Realms, Dreamspeakers as with the Shamanist Merit, switch the Middle Umbra with the High Umbra for their natural Realm when using the Spirit Sphere.

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Advantage: Hands of Fate

From the Book

Either as a side effect of their long relationship with the forces of chance or due to some accumulated Resonance from their ancient association with the inevitability of death, minor events just rend to fall in favor of the Euthanatos without the mage having to exert any magical influence. These coincidences and lucky breaks have even become part of the Tradition's eerie mystique over time. The Euthanatos cannot control when or how they occur, though, and they're usually little more than a style thing anyway, such as always arriving at 13 minutes after the hour or always finding enough change for a cup of coffee. Having an enemy's gun jam, winning a crucial poker hand or finding a stash of 20-dollar bills is beyond the scope of this affinity. As a rule, if it would require magic or seriously impact any character (especially sone other than the mage with the affinity), it's too powerful for this Tradition Advantage. it would just look damn cool or creepy without changing Traits, it's probably appropriate.

Furthermore, all Euthanatos are versed in either healing or killing, and usually several varieties of it. As a result, beginning characters receive two free Ability Traits to spend on Brawl, Firearms, Medicine or Melee.

Game Break Down

At ST discretion, many situations where a Euthanatos has near 50/50 odds on a situation or could just use a lucky break, things will generally fall in their favor.

Two free levels, in any combination, between Brawl, Firearms, Medicine and/or Melee may exceed the normal associated trait limits.

Game Expansion

Euthanatos have access to Necromancy, detailed in our Special Mage Paths section.

Disadvantage: Hands of Destruction

From the Book

All Euthanatos must maintain vigilance to avoid obtaining too much Entropic Resonance, lest they become mindless killing machines or little more than corpses themselves. A Euthanaros character must start the game with the Entropic Resonance Trait: Jhor. A Eurhanatos gains double the listed Trait modifiers for his Entropic Resonance thereafter, so even a little Resonance can cause the Euthanatos to suffer hideous social penalties. (More subtly, this flaw can encourage the Euthanatos to become a destructive killing machine, with its combative advantages.) A Euthanatos with five Entropic Traits will be hunted down and executed by other Euthanatos, even if the Storyteller has to do it.

Game Break Down

The above description stands for game mechanics.

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Order of Hermes

Advantage: Noble Heritage

From the Book

The very name of the Order commands respect in mystical circles in this world and beyond. Sorcerers and other hedge wizards typically mind their tongues and do what they're told when a Hermetic is around, and most minor spirits won't mess with Hermetics either. Even chose characters who dislike the Order's past works give Hermetics a grudging degree of respect and a fairly wide berth. Hermetics cannot simply issue orders whenever they're around lesser wizards or walk unmolested through the spirit realms, however. Rather, think of this Advantage as a "Big Man On Campus" effect. While resistance is definitely possible-especially if the Hermetic treats his lessers poorly-those who know the mage's affiliation will typically give lip service to his advice and try not to trouble him without good reason. Of course, this Advantage doesn't necessarily apply to other truly Awakened folks. A Hermetic character can recoup and refresh one used Reputation Trait each game session.

As a side effect of this heritage and the very traditional training methods the Order employs, all beginning characters receive a free level of the Occult Influence Background and an extra Reputation Trait of their choice. Therefore, Hermetics are usually some of the most eager mages to pursue the Reputation system, as it can affect their chances at advancement within their Tradition directly. (If your game does not use the Reputation system very frequently, substitute a level of the Occult Ability instead.)

Game Breakdown

The Occult Influence they receive allow them to exceed their normal trait maximum in those Backgrounds.

Game Expansion

Protection of the Order - All members of the order have their True Names protected by it's warding. Any attempt to obtain it via Magic requires an additional two Grades to cast.

Order of Hermes have access to Goetia, detailed in our Goetia section.

Disadvantage: Pride's Legacy

From the Book

Because of the Tradition's long history of arrogant self-aggrandizement, all Hermetic mages receive the Negative Social Trait: Condescending when dealing with other mages and sorcerers. Even if the mage is personally a rather open-minded sort, people still consider him "one of those stuffy Hermetics." For the sake of game balance, this penalty applies even if the character isn't recognized widely as a Hermetic. Considering the fact that Hermetic training relies on developing one's confidence and authority to such a degree that one can control reality, however, many Hermetics can't help but deserve the Trait.

Game Break Down

The above description stands for game mechanics.

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Sons of Ether

Advantage: Eureka!

From the Book

Many scientific prodigies. bum out at a young age, but not so the Sons of Ether. If anything, most Etherites have too many ideas, and their homes and labs fill up with jumbles of half-completed projects and hastily scribbled research notes. While they might not always have the magic, materials or minutes necessary to actually conduct the experiment or Effect that's burning up their thoughts, they always have a theory In mind. After all, when television shows prove that duct tape, a Swiss Army knife and some common household items can be fashioned into just about mundane device one might desire, imagine what a font of inspiration the world is to those with true enlightenment. Lower all accessibility costs for non-weapon objects by one level of influence (player's choice as to which category). Chances are, an Etherite can scrounge up a replacement, prototype, discarded model or something to get his hands on whatever scientific gear he needs.

Of course. all Etherites receive a free level of the Science Ability during character creation, and many take more on top of that. They also receive a free level of either University or Medical Influence to reflect the mundane resources they can command in their field of expertise.

Game Breakdown

Half Resource and Influence costs for any non-weapon objects, replacement, prototype, discarded model or whatever scientific gear he needs. The Science Ability and University/Medicine Influence they receive allow them to exceed their normal trait maximum in those Abilities and Backgrounds.

Game Expansion

Sons of Ether have access to Hypertech, detailed in our Hypertech section. Hyper Technology must always be the highest rated Ability.

Disadvantage: Reinventing the Wheel

From the Book

With so many geniuses at work all across the globe, each pursuing their own pet theories and following their own particular procedures, the professional communication between the Etherites is frantic and usually hopelessly conflicted. Many Etherites are either unaware of or unwilling to learn the rote~ of others since they are bent on viewing the world through the lens of their own personal theories. Therefore, they must constantly retrace territory covered by other mages instead of discovering truly new avenues of inspiration. Son of Ether characters cannot teach rotes to non-Etherites, nor can they learn rotes from non·Sons of Ether. Learning from another Son of Ether requires a successful Mental Challenge, with a difficulty equal to the rote's usual vulgar difficulty. Otherwise, the Etherite hasn't found a way to incorporate the ally's Science into his personal studies, and he must wait to try again at the end of the next game. Such stubbornness is the price of genius after all.

Game Break Down

The above description stands for game mechanics.

Game Expansion

Electrodyne Divas: The Sons of Ether are without a doubt the most sexist of Traditions, with a majority still considering itself an 'Old Boys Club', this lessened when many of its elder members died or disappeared in the Avatar Storms, but it is still prevalent.  

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Advantage: Flow of Life

From the Book

The Verbena are so attuned m living cycles that they neither hesitate nor second-guess themselves in matters of nature. Verbena are completely at ease with even the most brutal and bloody aspects of life, but similarly they have caring, nurturing natures that can't be denied. Verbena gain one free retest per session on any challenge of Animal Ken, Medicine or Survival.

Due to their ancient ties with the cycle of death and rebirth, all Verbena receive a free level of Medicine Ability. Furthermore, they receive a free level of the Survival Ability, since their knowledge of natural ways permits them to fend for themselves more easily in the wild. (Naturally, this extra Trait stacks with their retest, so many Verbena follow pursuits in medical or wilderness careers.)

Game Breakdown

Gain one free retest per session on any challenge of Animal Ken, Medicine or Survival. The Survival Ability they receive allow them to exceed their normal trait maximum in those Abilities.

Game Expansion

Verbena have access to Wyck Path, detailed in our Special Mage Paths section.

Disadvantage: Bad Blood

From the Book

Verbena are well known for their habit of speaking freely about how they feel about their fellow Traditions, and they don't use any comfortable modem euphemisms to clean up descriptions of their practices. Since so many of their rites are quire intimate in nature and so deeply tied to natural processes, blood and sacrifice, this honesty has put off many members of the other Traditions. Members of other Traditions consider the Verbena disturbing and bloodthirsty.(The centuries of persecution known as the Burning Times have put quite a chip on many Verbena shoulders as well, which naturally only makes things worse.)

Verbena tend to unset de even normal people, who just aren't comfortable with the Verbena's openness about copies Uke death, sexually and bodily functions. A Verbena may acquire and use the Etiquette Ability, but he must expend two Etiquette Traits (instead of one) to cover for a social gaffe or faux pas.

Game Break Down

The above description stands for game mechanics.

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Virtual Adepts

Advantage: Zen and the Art of Hacking

From the Book

Although they are frequently dismissed as juvenile and overly competitive by mages of ocher Traditions, the Adepts thrive on contests of cleverness and ingenuity among their own kind. (So what if these contests often take the form of designing video games or other "frivolous" things?) More importantly, Adepts who show some promise at this system of dares (namely people like players' characters) receive unexpected software uploads or other anonymous puzzles from their fellow Adepts. If the character can figure out how these puzzles work, the solutions can give her insight into some problem she may be having in her own life as well. No one knows exactly how this process works, but most agree that it has made the difference for some Adepts stuck on particularly difficult problems in the past. However, some of the younger Adepts are really starting to wonder just how it is that these surprises are so well timed after all.

An Adept confronted with a riddle, puzzle or similar problem gains double the normal number of clues or amount of time other players get to solve it, depending on the nature of the puzzle. For instance, if a Storyteller asks a riddle and gives the players five minutes to come up with an answer, the Virtual Adept is allowed 10 minutes to think about it. This benefit reflects the fact that he's probably either dealt with a similar puzzle in some form or received some tidbit of information previously that just happens to be useful right then.

ln less mysterious terms, however, all Adepts have one thing in common: a love of anything and everything computer-related. Therefore, starting Adepts begin with two free levels of the Computer Ability, and most purchase more on top of that. If any Adepts have ever complained of this narrow focus, no one else has heard of it yet.

Game Breakdown

The Computer Ability they receive allow them to exceed their normal trait maximum in those Abilities.

Game Expansion

The Rote Database: If an Adept doesn't want to take the time to create a new Rote they can access the Rote database and download it. With a successful Mental challenge retested with Research against a difficulty of the total levels of Spheres involved they can find a version created or pirated by someone else. This version will be given by the ST and may not be exactly what they had in mind. Additionally, there will be a price for the download, determined at the STs discretion, often a favor or trade.

Social Engineering: If the Adept has Mind 2 they can have minor effects on crowds and public places, like flash mobs or just helping them disappear into the crowd. They can make a Social challenge retested with Subterfuge against a difficulty based on the complication and duration of the alteration.

Virtual Adepts have access to Hypertech, detailed in our Hypertech section. Hyper Coding must always be the highest rated Ability.

Disadvantage: Digital Despots

From the Book

Being the latest thing co hit the Traditions and the masterminds behind what's now a global computer revolution, most Adepts have very little in the way of humility. They reinforce this condition constantly through their cynical evaluation of the millions of irritatingly clueless souls who now log onto the once exclusive Net everyday. All Adepts receive the Negative Social Trait: Obnoxious as a result when they deal with the subject of computers in any way. As a general rule, assume that the Negative Trait applies if the Computer Ability is necessary to challenge or understand a given conversation or practice.

Game Break Down

The above description stands for game mechanics.

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Hollow Ones

Advantage: Shadows Passing

From the Book

Inspired as they are by the darkest parts of the soul, Hollowers just naturally blend into the shadows wherever they go. While they are not actually invisible to those around them and they don't simply go unnoticed (which are the realms of Spheres or the Arcane Background, respectively), Hollowers have a lucky tendency to wander untouched through areas that would be serious trouble otherwise. Likewise, many Hollowers prefer to make their homes in rundown buildings in rather scary parts of town, yet they never seem any worse the wear for it unless they really stick their necks out. Of course, whether the hazards they skirt are simple muggers and hooligans or prowling vampires and hungry ghosts is simply a matter of style, scale and (most of all) timing.

Storytellers should give Hollowers the benefit of the doubt when it comes to avoiding much unpleasant attentions, provided of course that they're not doing anything to draw attention to themselves and slipping through the shadows safely won't disrupt the needs of the story. All told, however, If anyone can walk through the graveyard on Halloween or the forest on a full moon and not gee tom to pieces by some night creature or another, it's probably a Hollower as long as they mind their manners, anyway.

A phenomenon composed 10 modem times of equal parts scholars and dub-goers, all Hollowers receive a free level each of the Occult and Streetwise Abilities. This Advantage reflects their group's unique take on the magical lifestyle.

Game Breakdown

The Occult and Streetwise Abilities they receive allow them to exceed their normal trait maximum in those Abilities.

Game Expansion

Euthanatos have access to Necromancy, detailed in our Special Mage Paths section.

Disadvantage: Doom and Gloom

From the Book

Being part of a magical subculture based entirely on negativity takes its toll eventually. Many Hollowers develop some form of depression over time (if they didn't start with one to begin with), and some are so apathetic chat they not only mock the T rad1tions and their politics but simply waste their lives in revelry and idleness on top of it. They fiddle away the potential chat they fight so hard to keep from falling under anyone else's control. Many must abo fight addictions to various drugs or other nasty habits as well, which are side effects of their active nightlives. For despite all their jaded posturing otherwise, Hollowers are still very fragile spirits in many ways, and they arc not nearly as inured to the nightly horrors around them as they would like to believe. Typically, a Hollow One has any two of the following Negative Traits: Docile, Lethargic, Condescending, Tactless, Oblivious or Submissive.

Game Break Down

The above description stands for game mechanics.

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