Shadows on the Horizon


The Chantry Background is pooled among all members of the Chantry. Every point from the total of that background plus the total Adversarial Backgrounds and the number of Chantry Flaws translates to one point that can be spent on the following Chantry-wide Backgrounds and Merits (Each of which provides equal availability to all contributing members).

Chantry Merits
Chamtry Flaws
Special Modifiers
Security Systems

Chantry Backgrounds


Allies of the Chantry as a whole or the elder NPCs of it. This rating is a cry more potent than that of individuals, their power being on par with the Chantry, often other Chantries or powerful groups


This rating in Arcane can be used to cover any events that occur on Chantry grounds and all those of the Chantry involved in a given situation.


This rating can be used once per downtime by any authorized member of the Chantry as equivalent levels of this background, and can be used in addition to existing levels the user may have.


Equivalent of the same background for the Chantry itself, ultimately it is up to ST discretion as to what that applies to, but often will protect members of the Chantry who are acting on its behalf.


This is overall Fame of the Chantry among the Awakened community and those with Mage Lore. This counts towards the Reputation of all acting on Chantry business.


These are created very much like Mage Familiars, but these are connected to the Chantry rather than an individual Mage. The Paradox these Familiars can take are from members of the Chantry casting on the Chantry grounds and of course can offer assistance to any members, often acting as servants or even Mentors of a sort. If one of these Familiars die the Quintessence production of the Node is reduced by that Familiar's rating for a year. If it is done by a member of the Chantry that member is immediately rejected by the Chantry and any security it may have.

Horizon Space

Similar to Resources this determines the extent of the Chantries grounds in a Horizon Realm but does not build Pips to expend… this is uncommon and must be approved by an ST. In many ways it is much like a Mage's Demesne.


As with personal Influences this is control built by the Chantry as an Organization and builds Pips and can garner Assets useable by Chantry leadership


This rating is somewhat different from a personal library. Each point on this rating must be designated to a Tradition. This will only ever ad one to the library rating of Chantry members who are part of that Traditions when they are using it to reduce the time of Sphere studies. The points also can be allocated to specific Lores. Those who use it can either test as if they have the Lore at two traits or their own rating of a Lore +1 with a normal difficulty +6 so long as they can do their research in the Library. Additionally learning times of those Lores are reduced as with a Mentor.


These are general teachers, administrators and advisers of Master level for the Chantry. Each point allows for a single Mentor of such for each Tradition represented in contributing members of the Chantry. The members all have Master level standing in their Tradition *altered by the Prestigious or Infamous Mentor Merit\Flaw below*. They can also access their Tradition Lore x5. They will only have their Tradition Sphere at 5 and one other at 4 and then 3, the rest being at 2 which they will use in their capacity at the Chantry, or in its defense. An additional dot will allow them to teach their Tradition Lore up to five for Tradition members and up to three for nonmembers. Additional points allow them to become teachers of additional Lores *at ST discretion*. Additional points can also allow them to have additional spheres at Master level


A Chantry often taps more deeply into one or more Nodes than any one Mage is capable of. Produces 1 point of Quintessence per level of this background plus one per two members that contribute to the overall Chantry points that can be saved or otherwise distributed. Additionally one effect needing up to this rating in Quintessence can be maintained indefinitely per 2 contributing members without taxing the Node output. The Node(s) will produce its rating in drams of Tass as well that relate to the type of Node(s) and possessing its Resonance.


Determines the grounds and Mundane Holdings of the Chantry, including potentially multiple physical locations building pips useable by Chantry leadership like personal Resources)









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Chantry Merits

Prestigious Mentor

Represents a well know leader or teacher in the Chantry that garners its members better standing and status


The Chantry itself has earned a positive reputation from its history, earning its members status

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Adversarial Backgrounds


Low level Magi that need tending and protection










People or places the Chantry has devoted its protection to

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Chantry Flaws



Infamous Mentor


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Special Modifiers

AtmosphereInternalProtective Wards
Building ConditionsLand StatusPsychic Emanations
Continuum FluctuationsMagickal ManifestationsResearch Facilities
Energy FluctuationsMiscellaneousSecurity System
GuardianOther CabalsSize


A place of such magic and power as a Chantry can have an effect on the very atmosphere of the place. It will not affect residents but others can be disturbed by it or calmed by it.)

Building Conditions


Continuum Fluctuations

Energy Fluctuations

Quintessence surges and ebbs in unpredictably and can have an effect on magick itself.


The level of the Chantry's general resistance to attack. The nature of this varies depending on the Chantry


These are Spirits or other supernatural entities that guard the Chantry. They are static, not there like allies to rescue the members, they merely guard the Chantry. These Guardians tend to have needs from a Spirits need for energy to a Vampire's need for blood.


This is the general attitude of the guardian toward its task, and its feelings toward the mages of the Chantry



Internal Politics

Several of these Characteristics may apply to a particular Chantry.

Leadership (This category measures the general hierarchy of the Chantry and how it affects the Chantry's workings. All bonuses are cumulative.)


The general loyalty of the Chantry's servants and Acolytes, there can be exceptions.

Servants and Acolytes

Non-mages who serve the Chantry directly in some important capacity. Unlike guardians these have free will and are not bound to a particular area or duty.

Land Status

The status of the land the Chantry and Node are on.


The geographical location of the Chantry.

Magickal Manifestations

Strange things occur around the Chantry, nothing sentient just seeming random outbursts of magickal energy



Other Cabals

This is a special Flaw that should be taken with care. This represents other fully formed NPC Cabals that have joined in making the Chantry. They offer a substantial amount of points, but with that benefit comes the sharing of power with them. They will only stay with an equal or sometimes greater say in the politics and direction of the Chantry and acting against them can cause civil unrest or even civil war that could bring the Chantry crashing down.


Strange things can occur to those who spend time in the Chantry

Protective Wards

These are Wards purchased for individual areas in the Chantry that protect against a particular type of creature or material unless accompanied by a member of the Chantry. The objects of the Ward cannot pass through it unless it makes a Willpower test against the difficulty of the Ward.

Psychic Emanations

Chantries can emit strange energies that can attract attention, often unwanted attention)


Some variants cost extra Quintessence to maintain, there can be multiple such places spanning multiple types of Realms.




The number and nature of the inhabitants of the Realm *and possibly the Chantry itself*)

Social Structure

The nature of the Realms' inhabitants. Applies only to sentient beings.


Research Facilities

Arcane Library

Each Additional Point here allows an additional Arcane Lore to be added to the overall Library)


This is the space available for magickal experimentation. These are particularly important to Sons of Ether and Order of Hermes.

Security System

These are traps *either mundane or magical* chosen for individual areas of the Chantry



The size of the Chantry, Node or Realm. These are each bought separately, including each separate Node.

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Chantry Point Limits

The maximum number of points that can be put into Chantry by any one member is limited to four plus their Arete (Sorcerers/Acolytes can contribute), new additions are allocated by the Preceptor or other current leadership system of the Chantry. If a member leaves the Chantry the Chantry maintains the points they were contributing, but if they are cast out or killed half the points are lost, rounded down.


1-WeaklingAttributes: 5/4/3
Abilities: 5
Backgrounds: 1
Willpower: 2
Quintessence: 2
Freebies: 5
2-Below AverageAttributes: 7/5/4
Abilities: 15
Backgrounds: 3
Willpower: 3
Quintessence: 2
Freebies: 15
3-AverageAttributes: 10/8/6
Abilities: 25
Backgrounds: 5
Willpower: 5
Quintessence: 3
Freebies: 30
4-ExceptionalAttributes: 12/10/8
Abilities: 35
Backgrounds: 9
Willpower: 7
Quintessence: 5
Freebies: 40
5-PowerfulAttributes: 14/12/10
Abilities: 40
Backgrounds: 13
Willpower: 9
Quintessence: 7
Freebies: 50
6-Extra-PowerfulAttributes: 16/14/12
Abilities: 50
Backgrounds: 16
Willpower: 10
Quintessence: 10
Freebies: 60
7-Super-PowerfulAttributes: 18/16/14
Abilities: 60
Backgrounds: 20
Willpower: 10
Quintessence: 14
Freebies: 75
8-Ultra-PowerfulAttributes: 20/18/16
Abilities: 70
Backgrounds: 25
Willpower: 10
Quintessence: 17
Freebies: 95
9-Lesser CelestineUnknowable
(Whatever the
ST desires)

limitless power)

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Tapping New Node

What is done varies by Tradition and Paradigm, but there are common elements.

The base Sphere required are Prime 3 and Matter 3 (difficulty is raised by one for each level of the Node), and the effect is always considered Vulgar. Three Grades of Success are needed for every level of the Node to be opened. Once opened at a certain level it can only be increased by performing the opening again with the number of Grades needed for that next level minus one for each level already opened. In any case it is not recommended opening higher level Nodes without help as failure not only still garners Paradox, but calls for a Botch test. Should the test be Botched those trying to open the Node will receive one unsoakable level of Aggravated per level of the Node they were trying to open. While a Willpower can be spent as normal for a Grade of Success it cannot be spent to avoid a Botch and Quintessence cannot be spent to assist this ritual as the Node itself will counter any energies used.

The tapping of a new Node for the first time comes with an uncontainable outburst of primal energies. The up side is that it will provide an immediate 10 Quintessence plus 5 for every level past the first for anyone able to catch it. The downside is that it can be notices by a great deal of other sources. The psychic shockwave can be detected by Technocracy probes, the spiritual rush can be felt my malevolent spirits and the raw energies tend to cause quite the light show. The exact effects are up to ST discretion, but is almost always bad news.

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Security Systems

Normal Systems

Most advanced security systems are audiovisual, involving cameras, closed-circuit televisions and microphones. Mikes are often tuned to pick up certain sounds (breaking glass, voices, etc.).

These security systems are based on sensors and come in two types: on/off and perception-based.

On/Off sensors do not require a test to detect something. They either trigger or they do not. For example, a window breakage sensor will trigger if the window is broken. An electric eye will go off only if the light beam is broken. There are no tests for these sensors. The Storyteller must have the players describe their actions very carefully. The sensors then respond accordingly. 1 Creation Point per location.


Magickal effects may be used either to disguise or to discover security devices if the mage is actively using magick to scan for them. 2 Creation Points per location.

Spheres Needed to Locate Normal Security Devices

(Average difficulty: 7 or higher)
Correspondence 2, Entropy l, Forces 1 or Matter 1

Spheres Needed to Locate Magickal Devices

Entropy 2, Forces 2, Prime 1 or Spirit 2
Each of these magicks has a different effect; while Correspondence may be used to "look around comers," Spirit magick could open negotiations with local spirits for safe passage (of course, the spirits need not feel bound to tell the truth ... ).

Disrupt a Sensor

Mages must have some form of energy control, usually gained at Sphere Rank Two, to disrupt most sensors. Note that disruption of one sensor might trigger another.

Difficulty to Disrupt or Disable Sensors

  • Normal: 6 or higher
  • Magickal: 8 or higher

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