Group Advantages and Disadvantages
Broken Down and Expanded
Iteration X
Advantage: Hardware Supremacy
From the Book
Iterators have access to the best hardware available-and if they don't have it, they can make it. All Iterators have two free levels to split between Enhancements and Devices as desired; these can be added to levels taken as Backgrounds or with free Traits or experience, up to the usual limit.
An Iterator's hardware familiarity and knowledge also translates into real competence in dealing with modem technology. Once per session, an Iterator can make a free special retest when coaxing performance out of some piece of technology, be it a Device or a mundane bit of tech. This doesn't apply to magical challenges (it can't be used to retest an Enlightenment test) but does give an Iterator an edge on Computer and Technology challenges, even if the Iterator doesn't have a lot of personal experience with the items in question.
Game Break Down
Game Expansion
Disadvantage: Dimensional Incompetence
From the Book
For many years, members of lteration X were forbidden to learn the Sphere of Dimensional Science (Spirit). While the lack of contact with Autocthonia (the home of Iteration X's vaunted sentient Computer and controller) has al lowed some adventurous members to take tutelage from members of the Void Engineers or the NWO, they still find this path of study a difficult one. Members of Iteration X may not begin game play with this Sphere, and pay double to acquire levels or rotes using it.
Additionally, Iterators typically have some sort of monitoring implant hand-in-hand with their usual technological wonders. Assume that at any time an Iterator's location can be found (unless magically shielded) by his superiors, so he'd better not screw up.
Game Break Down
The above description stands for game mechanics.
New World Order
Advantage: Information is Power
From the Book
New World Order agents have access to some of the best information sources in human existence, and some can even open rare files of historical import that have long since been sealed away from the public eye. Whether by calling in government favors or digging through academic paperwork, an operative can find information on nearly any topic. Every agent has two free levels in any combination of the following Backgrounds: Contacts, Influence: Media or Influence: Espionage.
Furthermore, the authoritarian and knowledgeable position of NWO agents places them regularly at the top of the chain for information retrieval. Information truly is power. Once per session, an agent can do a background check on a piece of information gleaned from a Contact or Influence (it doesn't even have to have been one of the agent's Contacts or Influences, if someone else cooperates). The agent automatically determines whether the information is true or a deliberate falsehood. This doesn't necessarily tell if it's accurate, but will immediately cell if a Contact or lnfluence is giving incorrect information or if the information has been tampered with.
Game Break Down
Game Expansion
Disadvantage: Who Watches the Watchmen
From the Book
Sometimes politicking gets in the way of free information flow. Other times, a superior determines that it's "for the greater good" that certain files don't make it out, or that a given agent winds up on a hit list for learning things better left unknown. NWO agents must step carefully, because their Convention monitors them just as much as it
Game Break Down