Character Creation
So What is this About
Core of Mage
Character Creation Overview
So What is This About?
Role playing games have been around for ages and most likely you have already participated in one. Cops and Robbers, Cowboys and Indians, and any number of similar games children play are role-playing games. RPGs are just like those, but generally with more complex rules that allow conflict to be resolved with some element of chance and don't devolve into "I hit you." and "No, you didn't!"
Core of a Mage
The core of any mage character should be his concept, though a close runner up is the mage's paradigm. A concept is an idea of who that character is. Often times a concept can be summarized in a few worlds "world-weary cop" or "overworked and underpaid single mother". When these concepts are mages they may be somewhat more exotic "martial artist searching for self mastery in the city" or "assassin for hire looking for redeption" or they main be simpler "mother discovering super science".
Amongst mages there are four major sects.
- Tradition
Tradition mages, ostensibly, are working together to hold onto the magical and mysterious in the world and allowing people within it to experience their own path. - Technocracy (NPC in this game)
Technocracy agents are working within the Technocracy to protect Sleepers from things that "go bump in the night" and technology and concepts they are not ready for. - Nephandi (NPC)
Nephandus serve dark masters from hell, beyond, or their own tortured nightmares and usually work to tear it all down. Some wish to end with nothing and others wish to put something built up in their master's image. - Maraduder (NPC)
Driven insane one way or another, Marauders seem to have stepped entirely outside of reality and act without fear of consequences. They appear to have no unified goal or purpose and randomly wander through reality causing chaos. Surely there is no underlying purpose...
Character Creation Overview
Standard character creation from Laws of Ascension with a few modifiers.
- Tradition: Nine Traditions and Hollow Ones.
Crafts require permission. - Arete: Maximum starting Arete is 2.
- Abilities: Starting Abilities above x3 require permission.
- Backgrounds: Starting Backgrounds above x3 require permission.
- Merits & Flaws: Merits or Flaws with a point value of 5 or more will be specially reviewed.
Merits & Flaws that are not from Mage books require permission. - Build: Standard characters will recieve 30 build xp after character creation. 20 of this xp must be spent on abilities or backgrounds.
Players are encouraged to write up histories for their characters that explains where they came from as well as write ups for their sanctums, avatars and the like. Characters may wish to come into the game with prestablished connections with existing characters or cabals and if you are interested in that the STs will be happy to work with you to facilitate that.