Holy Ground

The power of Holy Ground can be tapped by the faithful if called upon. The base Faith rate of the site is added to theirs when used to resist the Willpower of a vampire attempting to go where it is not allowed so long as the Faith of the ground is in line with the Faith of the user (like a Christian in a Church or a Muslim in a Mosque). If the faithful is on the Holy Ground of another Faith it may still supply some support so long as it is appropriate (at ST discretion). Most importantly, the Holy Ground's supernatural strength can supplement a faithful’s own Holy Powers: the Holy Ground is revolted by the presence of evil, and seeks whatever means available to get rid of it. A person of faith is a convenient channel for this desire. Holy Ground will add to his basic Faith scores if engaged in combat. It has no effect on inherent Holy Powers directly linked to an individuals Faith Level -- it only supplements the value of Faith used within the Gifts, Prayers and Rituals (as well as use of Sacred Geometry, Angelic Script and Crystals).

The Faith component of a test in such circumstances will use Faith + Holy Ground. The moral of the story is to never attack the Faithful on his own ground. The only places with a Faith rating of 10 points are the Vatican in Rome, the Masjid al-Haram in Mecca etc (essentially the center of each major religion). Sites of particular relevance are:

LocationFaith Rating
The Vatican10
The Holy Sepulchre8
St Johns Cathedral, Malta7
New Temple Church, England6
Marienburg Castle, Poland6
Rosslyn Chapel, Scotland4
Chatres Cathedral, France4
Average district cathedral3
Average suburban church0/1

Holy Ground is naturally repulsive to the codes opposite to the religion (Christianity v evil, Satanism v Christianity etc). Anything opposing the ground's creed, such as a vampire, must make a Willpower v Holy Ground check. Invitation nullifies the repulsion.

Blessing the Ground

One of the Faithful can bolster or rebuild the blessings on existing Holy Ground, recovering their former Faith rating or adding a level of Faith temporarily to an up kept Holy Place (lasting a day per Permanent Faith rating of the Faithful, this does not stack). They can bless places dedicated to their Faith or somehow indicative to their Faith for the first time (giving them an initial rating of half their Faith rounded down, these places may naturally increase or decrease in Faith over time based on their use or misuse). They can temporarily bless miscellaneous structures and grounds (starting at half their Faith Rating rounded up and decreasing by one point per hour. To accomplish any of these they must perform a ritual indicative of their religion for at least an hour (plus an hour for each additional level of Faith they wish to instill) and make an appropriate ability test (based on ST discretion).

*Note this can be used on holy objects to provide bearers protection, however the Faith rating will always be one lower than normal and it does not add to the existing Faith of the bearer. However the bearer must have faith in it for it to work. An atheist could not take a blessed cross and expect it to protect him… then he is not an Atheist. But a true Christian without True Faith could bear it an effectively hold creatures of evil at bay with its Faith rating. These are not Relics.

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Holy relics, icons and sacred items are focuses of Faith. While most items serve only as conduits of the subject's own Faith, others are actual sources of power. A relic is not a blessed object -- it is an ancient and sacred item -- often associated with a prophet or a disciple (such as bones, possessions, hair). Relics can protect against natural or supernatural powers, human or demonic afflictions and cure disease. The presence of a Holy relic can add to the strength of Holy Ground or the faithful holding it, and can even grant faith to doubters with the spark of faith within them. Once a genuine relic has been found, it must be guarded and respected. A Relic does not have to be authentic -- people only have to believe it is. It is not the relic that generates the power; it is the belief the Faithful have in it. For example, legend has it that the Knights Templar had under their protection one of the greatest Relics of all time -- the Turin Shroud. In fact, it is possible distorted rumors of this holy item helped lead to their downfall. Relics force the same Willpower Checks as True Faith and Holy Ground. Outcomes are the same.

ObjectFaith Rating
Fragment of the True Cross9
Turin Shroud7
Lock of Mary's hair7
St Peter's Skull6
Spear of Longinus5
St George's finger bone2

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Holy Days

The Christian calendar is full of Holy Days, Fasts and Feasts. On these days, the expression of Faith is generally more common than other times. This open expression of Faith and piousness helps those doing God's work. On Easter Friday, a Christian's traits on any Faith test is increased by 2. Other significant Holy Days add 1. This includes tests using Faith under the Gifts, Prayers and Rituals (as well as use of Sacred Geometry, Angelic Script and Crystals).