Shadows on the Horizon



A loose term used to codify a series of ancient arts predating modern science, but that still seem to tap into the basic building blocks of creation despite consensual reality’s shifts in the modern era. Though they would no longer be considered ‘science’ by the current reckoning, perhaps not since the days of Daedalus or perhaps DaVinci, they are no less complex in their studies and application. The Order of Reason may have embraced them but the Technocracy rejects these as superstitious nonsense. Some Traditions still use them as cores of their paradigms, most notably the Order of Hermes and Celestial Chorus. Whereas the Union has used Hypertech to ‘unify’ its identity. Unfortunately Hypertech has surpassed Goetia in modern parlance, so it no longer provides the same protections from Paradox that Hypertech now does.

Goetia like Science or Crafts in this game is divided into multiple facets; Alchemy, Enochian and Sacred Geometry. Someone with regular Medicine, Linguistics, Engineering, etc can use them on the Awakened creations of Goetia, but because the Union has it’s foundation in the Order of Reason it can also be used in dealing with Hypertech. After all the Union is deceiving itself to say that it is anything but magic, but in that dealing with such carries an addition of 4 traits to the difficulty, can only be used for operation, repair and some modification and you still need the right Spheres to know what you are dealing with. Such things cannot be constructed by these means, even if it is in your Paradigm you need to use magic to create Devices. So long as you call a Goetia-Ability as the skill used in dealing with these items the difficulty is normal and design/construction is possible. Additionally the Goetia-version of any ability can be taken as a Specialty for the applicable bonuses. In all challenges you must call the use of a Goetia-Ability before throwing to gain the advantages. Some other minor rules apply to purchase and use of Goetia-Abilities such as:

*Note that at Level Three the Abilities can be applied to the use of technology made with Hypertech such as that which the Union and Sons of Ether often create. Until this level only Hypertech allows those outside the proper paradigms to understand or use this technology. Ability benefits do not apply to such tests, but they can now be made using more 'mundane' means.

Goetia also provides specialized benefits with each level you buy in. Each dot costs 2 XP rather than 1 and every time a new dot is purchased a new ability can be chosen from the following list:


Alchemy: Chemistry, Crafts, Medicine, Occult
Enochian: Cryptography, High Ritual, Linguistics, Lores
Sacred Geometry: Architecture, Astrology, Engineering, Mathetmatics




(Chemistry, Crafts, Medicine, Occult)


(Cryptography, High Ritual, Linguistics, Lores)

Sacred Geometry

(Architecture, Astrology, Engineering, Mathematics)

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