...put simply this is the integration of magic and technology/science. The Technocracy simply considers it Enlightened Science. One does not need it to integrate the two, the Etherites and many VAs in some ways consider it giving in to the Technocracy's control to use it. Mage with the right levels of Prime can make Wonder's and Talismans, this Ability is used to create Devices. It has advantages and drawbacks alike. Hypertech abilities can be used in creating Devices.It has advantages and drawbacks alike. Hypertech abilities can be used in creating Inventions/Devices, a requirement for Technocrats and an optional Focus (allowing them to retest with all related Abilities) for technology-minded magi. Unfortunately, in all cases, it constrains it's creations to technology, thereby eliminating the Paradigms of most mage and so it is not helpful for them in creating magical artifacts. Those who it does fit can potentially create semi-Devices without Prime, needing only the knowledge of the effects that you are trying to have, but you also still need a power source created via Prime in the paradigm of Hypertech if it has anything more than the most mundane of effects. In most cases the most practical types require Prime to create, but it does allow for division of labor, hence why the technocracy works so well, one division makes energy guns and another makes scanners while still another can make power generators that fit both. There are other advantages to having this ability however:
Hypertech: Rules
Hypertech like Science or Crafts in this game is divided into multiple facets; Hyper Coding, Hyper Technology, Hyper Science and Biotech. Someone with regular Computers, Repair, Technology, etc can use them on Hyper Technologies or other technologically based artifacts if you are Awakened/Enlightened, but all carry an addition of 4 traits to the difficulty, can only be used for operation, repair and some modification and you still need the right Spheres to know what you are dealing with. Such things cannot be constructed by these means, even if it is in your Paradigm you need to use magic to create Devices. So long as you call a Hyper-Ability as the skill used in dealing with these items the difficulty is normal and design/construction is possible. Additionally the Hyper-version of any ability can be taken as a Specialty for the applicable bonuses. In all challenges you must call the use of a Hyper-Ability before throwing to gain the advantages. Some other minor rules apply to purchase and use of Hyperabilities such as:
- Hyperabilities cost 2 Experience
- You cannot have more levels of a Hyper-Ability than your Arete level
- Different Hyperabilities can associate with a multitude of regular abilities, which one is used is circumstantial (Like Hyper Science applies to all science related abilities as well as Medicine, but if you are attempting to create a perfect solution that will dissolve glass but nothing else it touches you would use Chemistry for retests. Likewise Hyper Technology applies to high-tech Craft abilities, Technology, Repair, etc. Hyper Coding applies mainly to Computers but has potential applications in things such as Security.)
- Hyper-Abilities don't give retests themselves as discussed above but depending on your level there are other advantages that apply:
- Once per session, use full traits no matter how many you have lost on an applicable test.
- Cannot lose more than 1 trait per round in applicable Hyper-Ability-related challenges, unless forced to bid extra for negative traits, wound penalties, etc
- Gain a free retest per session on an applicable challenge, this comes after any ability retests and before all others.*
- Take one purely Mental action (requiring no Social or Physical interaction) free in addition to any other you have that round (at the end of the turn).
- Once per session, add 50% (rounded up) to your traits for a single related challenge.
*Note that at Level Three the Abilities can be applied to the use of technology made purely with Magick, which did not have the assistance of Hypertech such as that which the Virtual Adepts and Sons of Ether often create. Until this level nothing short of Magickal manipulation allows those outside the proper paradigm to understand or use this technology. Ability benefits do not apply to such tests, but they can now be made using more 'mundane' means.
- TBD- Integer posuere mollis nisl, a ultrices dui sagittis at. Etiam condimentum feugiat ultricies. Nulla nec dignissim urna. Maecenas sed enim nec sapien pellentesque tincidunt.
Special- This can apply to any of the same Abilities as any other Hyper Ability so long as it applies to any integration of biology and technology including cybernetics, bionics and implantation. This is required for anyone using Prime/Primal Utility 5 to create permanent Enhancements.
- Bio-geneticist- When creating Biomod Enhancements the enhanced subject gains one less psychological disorder for each time this advantage has been taken (to a minimum of 1).
- Bride of Frankenstein- The Frankenstein Hyper Science Advantage must be taken first. Once taken the subject to be resurrected no longer needs an intact body, merely an intact brain. Within the allowed timeframe another body can be procured or assembled and the brain can be placed in that new body. Then the normal tests for Frankenstein can be made to bring the subject back.
- Cyberneticist- When creating Cybernetic Enhancements the permanent Paradox the cyborg suffers from is reduced by 1 for each time this advantage is take (to a minimum of 1).M
Coding (Computers, Security)
- Digital Modeling- Gain a free retest on failed monthly design test for an Icon, Doll, or Add-On. This must be used after any ability or overbid retest.
- Expertise- This can be taken multiple times, each one requiring a specific mundane Ability associated with this Hyper Ability to be designated. For tests based on the selected Ability you may add your level of Hyper Ability when determining ties
- Minecraft- This ability allows the level of Hyper coding to be able to add to Icon/Add-On Storage (becoming Arete + Mind + Avatar + Hyper Coding all times 10) and Visual Space (becoming Arete + Correspondence + Avatar + Hyper Coding all times 1000 square feet) within your Personal Webspace.
- Rosetta Stone- If you have seen one Chaos Algorithm you have seen them all. Ignore all trait penalties or increases in difficulty when using Hyper Coding against programming created directly via True Magick.
- Virtual Mouse- You are an expert on backdoors in the Web, when creating Conduits all Sector defenses are reduced by 2 difficulty traits or one Grade of Success and gain a free retest on all tests of Stealth against Sector Monitors.
- Web Designer- Each level of Hyper Coding adds to a free point that can be spent in Icon/AI programming or that of related programs.
Science (All Sciences, Medicine)
- Disproving Theories- Once per scene if you can identify a visible effect of True Magick of any sort you may take time to describe aloud why it should not have happened and they will receive half over again the Paradox the effect garnered them initially (rounded up) with a minimum of 1.
- Expertise- This can be taken multiple times, each one requiring a specific mundane Ability associated with this Hyper Ability to be designated. For tests based on the selected Ability you may add your level of Hyper Ability when determining ties.
- Frankenstein- Each level of Hyper Science becomes an amount to time past normal death to resuscitate someone. During the times listed below past initial death you may make a Hyper Science Medicine test against 9 traits plus two for every level of damage the body has received past Incapacitated. If successful the patient regains one Stamina-based trait and you may medically treat the body as though it were still only Mortally Wounded. You have the duration of your time to then stabilize them and start the healing process. Please note that while there is not set way to go about this, tools are need to do at least two thins 1) Ensure the vital parts of the body are in one relative piece and 2) Be it drugs or electricity or whatever, the means to powerfully shock the system back to life. Additionally, no matter how much time this skill gives you a person cannot be recovered if their body has entered fully into a state of Active Decay. Between Enviromental Factors and possible preservatives this can vary wildly, ultimately it is at the ST's discretion.
- Hour
- Day
- Week
- Month
- Year
- Science Fact- If a related Scientific Ability is used as your focus in casting test you may sometimes reduce your Paradox with ponderous scientific dissertation. Once per session to wax scientific about what you are doing out loud to those who might see your effect. For every turn you do this (and this must be RPed out to the STs satisfaction) you may reduce a point of Paradox, up to half the total you would receive (rounded up). Because you may not know how much you will get timing is tricky. Sometimes you might babble on too long and sometimes not long enough. Them's the brakes of theoretical science. If you are interrupted during this you do not lose the use, but you must start over.
- Theoretical Data- By developing and testing theories before starting work one can better ensure success in their work. One must take at least a full minute in this work and then make a test of an appropriate Science or Medicine to the coming project (based on ST approval) against 6 traits. This gives a one trait bonus to the next test concerning that project. For every increment of time added onto this an additional bonus trait may be added. Please note that this takes the character's full devotion of time and they may not do more than eat or sleep normally during that time. For example a Virtual Adept wishes to build a new and advanced Trinary Computer. He decides to take a full day developing better methods of constructing its metallic circuits. He succeeds at a Metallurgy test against 6 traits and thus gets a three trait bonus on his first construction test.
Technology (Crafts, Repair, Technology)
- Computer Engineer- Each level of Hyper Technology adds to a free point that can be spent in Trinary Computer construction or that of related equipment.
- Devicier- Any Device you create with Hypertech you may reduce the Paradox accumulation by one or grant it one free level of Quintessence, this must be declared before construction.
- Expertise- This can be taken multiple times, each one requiring a specific mundane Ability associated with this Hyper Ability to be designated. For tests based on the selected Ability you may add your level of Hyper Ability when determining ties.
- It Does That- Once per scene you may cut in half the acquired Paradox from using a Device (rounded up) by fiddling with it for a turn.
- Jury-Rig- Once per session you can quickly ‘upgrade' a device to perform beyond its normal capabilities. This is relatively moderate in capability, perhaps adding a couple extra traits, an extra level of damage or a special trait to the item. This cannot be supernatural and must remain relatively believable to the device, up to the ST's discretion. After use the device is severely damage and requires extensive repairs.
- Mr. Fix-It- Once per scene gain a retest on any technology repair challenges, this comes after any ability retests and before all others.
- Scientific Shortcut- You may make a Hypertech test against 8 traits (+ Devices level if applicable), success means you may substitute a Quintessense cost or ingredient/component requirement in the creation of Devices or other Hyper Technology such as Trinary Computers.