Shadows on the Horizon


Shadows on the Horizon is a Mage: the Ascension LARP utilizing the MET rules. After a few great years, we remain a part of the international LARPing organization One World By Night

The main goal of this game, aside from having fun, is to be a learning game. Mage is a complex game that sometimes has a bad reputation for being overpowered and/or silly. In Shadows on the Horizon it is the goal of the Storyteller staff to create a game that is accessable to new players and promotes an understanding of the foundation of Mage, both in terms of the story and the rules.

The Road to Enlightenment

Mage is a game that, unlike vampire, is about people who still have to eat, sleep, go to work and go through their daily life. At the same time, however, they also have to -- should, attempt to come to terms with their subconscious, a war for reality, and burgeoning understanding the underpinnings of reality.

At its core, the ability of a mage to work magick is because he believes he can and has the strength of will (and Avatar) to make reality follow his rules, if only for a moment. Reality, however, is not a willing partner and the arrogant mage who attempts to push things too far will find that reality will make him suffer.

So What is This About?

Role playing games have been around for ages and most likely you have already participated in one. Cops and Robbers, Cowboys and Indians, and any number of similar games children play are role-playing games. RPGs are just like those, but generally with more complex rules that allow conflict to be resolved with some element of chance and don't devolve into "I hit you." and "No, you didn't!"

Role-playing Games


The MET rules that we use were published by White Wolf. Copies of the book may be purchased at DriveThruRPG. We utlize the Laws of Ascension and Laws of Ascension: Companion.

For new players, there is no need to purchase these books. If you are interested in joining, we have plenty of copies of the book at game that will allow you to make a character and learn to play without a problem.