Magic Rules
- Foci
- Casting Difficulties
- Conjunctional Effects
- Interruptions
- Grades of Success
- Paradox
- Paradox Flaws
- Resonance
- The Effects of Correspondence, Sympathetic and Arcane Links
- True Names
- Duration, Conentration and Empowerment
- Contested Effects
- Countermagic
- Range and Area of Effect
- Time
- The "Other" Realms
- Charms / Gadgets
- Periapts
- Artifacts / Inventions
- Talismans / Devices
- Talisman Periapts and Device Batteries
- Grimoires / Principae
- Spirit Wonders
- Familiars
Using Foci
The use of a focus in order to utilize the associated ability retest requires a full round. Any interruption of this will start that timeframe over again. Interruptions can vary depending on the type of foci but most commonly will result in a Concentration test. So if a spell is begun on your initiative it can be completed with use of a retest on your next action that occurs at least one round later on the same initiative. Extra physical actions do not reduce this time, though use of Time magic or other such powers might (with ST discretion). Interruption resets the initiative it can be completed on the next round, requiring one to hold their action to utilize the retest.
Casting Difficulties
*Base difficulty is always the highest sphere used plus one for each additional sphere
- *Base difficulty is always the highest sphere used plus one for each additional sphere
- +1 for each round after the first you or any Mage in line of sight have consecutively cast a coincidental effect up to +3 (for each consecutive round after this all magic is considered vulgar but for each round that a new effect is not cast that number is reduced by one)
- +1 for every two Effects you sustain at once (limited to Arete + Prime)
- +1 Using Tass with Opposed Resonance
- +1 If the Resonance of the target of an effect or the area an effect is being cast in opposes the caster's Resonance (this is cumulative for each opposing trait of Resonance)
- +1 Distant or Hidden Subject
- +1 to +3 Distractions
- +1 to +3 Conflicts with Avatar
- +1 to +3 Monumental Feat
- +1 For casting a rote you are aware of but do not possess
- +2 For casting dynamic/wild magic
- +2 Missing an Unsurpassed General Focus
- +3 Missing an Unsurpassed Specific Focus
- +4 Missing an Unsurpassed Unique Focus
- -1 Using a Surpassed General Focus or Unsurpassed Specific Focus
- -2 Using a Surpassed Specific Focus or Unsurpassed Unique Focus
- -3 Using a Surpassed Unique Focus
- -1 Using Tass with complimentary Resonance
- -1 If the Resonance of the target of an effect or the area an effect is being cast in compliments the caster's Resonance (this is cumulative for each complimenting trait of Resonance)
- -2 If the Resonance of the target of an effect or the area an effect is being cast in is identical to the caster's Resonance (this is cumulative for each identical trait of Resonance)
- -1 For each supporting Mage in a Ritual (with compatible foci) that has at least basic knowledge of all spheres involved in he effect (up to the number of levels you have in High Ritual).
- -1 For every five Acolytes (or level of Cult being used) supporting your ritual (up to the number of levels you have in High Ritual).
- -1 by adding around to Casting time (Can instead gain a plus one trait modifier on your test)
- -1 by doubling total Ritual Casting time (Can instead gain a plus one trait modifier on your test)
- -1 to -3 For extensive research on the Lore regarding a subject based on ST discretion. This is mostly useful for High Rituals and will add a day onto the casting time (but will not count toward super human ritual times).
**Spending a Willpower before the test will prevent any chance of a botch. This is aside from that spent for a grade of success. These can be cumulative.
Any effect that takes any real time to cast (be it for using Foci or gaining grades of success) can be interrupted. Should an event occur that a Storyteller deems could interrupt casting a Concentration test must be made. This will be a Willpower test against a difficulty set by the ST. Failure gives the caster 2 options; They can release the effect immediately losing any bonuses or retests from extended casting or they can continue casting with a 4 trait penalty (plus any wound penalties should the interruption be a wound). Those with the Concentration Merit get this penalty reduced to 2.
Grades of Success
- +1 for succeeding in an unnecessary overbid
- +1 for a single Willpower spent before the test is made for an effect (this is aside from one spent to avoid a botch
- +1 for each grade of time added to the existing casting time up to a day (Round, Minute, Hour, Day) then plus one for each day after. (this is aside from any time added to gain trait bonuses). An additional magic test will be required for each of these time points. If any one of these is failed the spell will fail at that time. The Mage can attempt to recover the spell where it was fumbled, redoing the lost test and all proceeding tests at +2 diffucltydifficulty. If this option is chosen and the magic is failed again a botch is automatic.
- +1 For every supporting Mage (with compatible foci) who has the full levels of all spheres required for an effect who also exceeds in the casting test (up to the number of levels you have in High Ritual). A Mage acting in this capacity cannot also add toward decreasing the effect of difficulty. These supporting Mage must also possess at least one level of High Ritual.
- +1 for each level of highest Sphere used above what is required to cast the effect. Note that this does affect the difficulty based on that new level. Using this option makes the effect Vulgar automatically.
Paradox occurs at the moment a spell is cast, so a Mage will not receive further Paradox after this point, but the power of unbelief can degrade an effect. Truly vulgar effects that last for any length of time can be worn away in particularly blatant locations and the presence of Sleepers is particularly corrosive. STs may use discretion to degrade duration or potency of such an effect. Those connected to power sources may simply draw away Quintessence.
- +1 For every Vulgar effect of a Basic Sphere.
- +2 For every Vulgar effect of an Intermediate Sphere.
- +3 For every Vulgar effect of an Advanced Sphere.
- +1 For every Sphere included in a Vulgar effect that has 'witnesses' (for large crowds of sleepers the ST may use discretion to add more Paradox)
- -1 For every Resonance trait a location has (that an effect is occurring in) that matches the caster's exactly.
*Note that these count per 'vulgar effect'. A 'spell' can have multiple effects. For example 'teleportation' will both have you disappear from one location and have you reappear in another. The would count as two separate vulgar effects (assuming the origin or the destination are not a Sanctum). That would come to 4 Paradox +1 for each that may have witnesses.
Also no Paradox is accrued for any effects that occur in a Sanctum. Remember this is focused on the location of the effect NOT necessarily where it is cast. So if you were to 'teleport' from your Sanctum into a room crowded with Sleepers you would not get the Paradox from disappearing in your Sanctum but you would get the potential three or more from appearing in the crowded room.
Backlash: Whenever Paradox is accrued the character may make a simple test. A win will cause an immediate backlash, failure will cause the Paradox to accrue and build for a future backlash. The mage can also spend a Willpower to automatically prevent a backlash, most useful in critical situations where backlash would be inconvenient.
Paradox Flaws
Paradox Realms
This is where the Mage can be shunted into a completely separate dimension, sometimes taking others with them. These realms vary wildly though they relate to the offending spheres. Escape is often a puzzle or lesson that can be dangerous and will always chafe at the Mage's hubris.
Paradox can often start to affect the internal reality of a Mage, driving them toward madness.
Paradox Pool | Delusions |
1-3 | Minor hallucinations; certain objects or alterations may 'appear' and 'disappear' intermittently. Generally lasts a day or so. |
4-6 | Delusions become common; the mage may see, hear or even touch things which do not exist or miss things that do. Some seem benign, others hostile. His moods alter, and he gets a far away look for two weeks or more. |
7-10 | The victim's senses backfire, including blindness, hyper sensitivity or wild hallucinations. Hobgoblins can appear, manifesting the Mage's delusions in solid form. This may go on for months if untreated. |
11-20* | The mage becomes trapped in a mindsape of his own design. The time he spends there (and the things he does while 'dreaming') depend on the size of the Paradox pool and the needs of the story. During this time the Mage is still acting out at others around him unless he manages to put himself into a Trance. This Quiet can last indefinitely. |
*This is where a Mage can fall into the permanent madness of a Maurauder. If these backlashes are in any way put off make two simple tests when it does happen. Failure may lead to permanent Quiet ratings.
Quiet Tests
Disbelieve Delusions- Mental test retested with intuition against a dif of 7+ the level of the delusions
Trance- A Mage in a mindscape that has realized their predicament can attempt to put themselves into a Trance until they can escape it with a Mental test retested with Meditation against a dif of 6-9 depending on the level of the backlash.
Communication- This allows a Mage in a Trance to communicate with the ral world around them temporarily with a Willpower test against a dif of 8.
Reduce Mindscape Duration- Mental test retested with Enigmas against a dif of 4 + your Arete (these are made e ach time something is accomplished there and only after the Mage has come to realize it is not real)
*Hobgoblins- A result of a failed attempt to disbelieve delusions manifesting aspect of them to those around them. A creature created from such will have the Mage's Arete in Health Levels and have his same traits and abilities. They automatically lose a level a day until they dissipate. Any other creations such as objects, noises or the like will last for a number of days equal to the Mage's Arete. While these don't often cause the trouble creatures do they can usually be embarrassing.
*Damage in lieu of Quiet- If a Mage is lucky paradox will only ravage his body. This is more common with use of Forces and Life. If the ST descides to use this method of bleed off use the following chart:
Paradox | Damage |
1-10 | Half Paradox rounded up in Bashing |
11-20 | Subtract 10 and apply half rounded up as Lethal |
21+ | Subtract 20 and apply half rounded up as Aggravated |
The Effects of Correspondence, Sympathetic and Arcane
A Correspondence Link is something with a strong enough connection to a target to harken back to them (which does include Arcane Links) or on which an artificial link has been created using Correspondence. Using Correspondence to find and trace the link a Mage can then add Correspondence into any effect to treat that target as if they were touching it/them. This can be something like a place that they frequent multiple times on a weekly basis like a bedroom or club (though in the case of the later so many other links may cause it to be impossible to find), an item they wear or carry consistently like a favorite bracelet or pair of shoes or even a piece of their person like hairs or fingernails.
A Sympathetic link is something of emotional investment to the target (which does include Arcane links). This requires Mind to identify and trace and Mind must be added into any effect that wishes to take advantage of it. These things can often have a Correspondence connection to the target, but not always and a Correspondence connection can be warded against or even broken completely by Correspondence or other magics where as a Sympathetic connection cannot. The only way for a target to break this connection is a true divestment of their emotional attachment to it. Use of a Sympathetic link gives a 2 trait bonus to all use of Magic against (or for) them. This can be something like the ring of a dead parent, the original draft of an original work of art or even the saved first dollar ever earned by the target.
An Arcane link is a truly potent piece of the target's being, it includes both Correspondence and Sympathetic links (both of which are extremely difficult if not impossible to sever), but is more. No additional Spheres are needed to utilize the benefits of this link, use of Correspondence cannot be blocked in tracing the target and use of any True Magics on the target cannot be resisted (including Entropic Curses and Mind Controls). The Mage must still test for the success of the magic and botching will either turn the magic directly back on them or prevent the use of any of their magic with that link ever again... or both, at the ST's discretion. It should be noted that if the target is aware of one having this link, use of Correspondence to trace it back cannot be blocked and they gain the same benefits of a Correspondence and Sympathetic link back upon the holder (though none of the other benefits that come with an Arcane link. The target cannot use magic to destroy the Arcane item or else will receive an immediate point of Jhor. These can include fresh blood from the target (dried and unpreserved blood will only be a Sympathetic and Correspondence Link), a subject of the target's true love, a substantial body part (including teeth), or in the case of a Wraith one of its Fetters.
True Names
True Names are the next best thing to Arcane Links, and in some cases better because they cannot be lost or destroyed, only forgotten. A True Name allows a free retest on all magic against them and put you up two traits on any attempt to counter their magic. Additionally, any Magic rituals that include the True name and Correspondence is considered to have a Correspondence link.
Learning a True Name is no small feat, starting with a Mind 3 effect against them. Grades of success vary based on the chart below. Then of course the Mental challenge must be succeeded or the whole process must be repeated:
- Changlings: Willpower + Glamour
- Mage: Willpower + Arete + Mind
- Mummy: Willpower + Balance + Nomenclature
- Sleeper: One
- Supernatural Mortals (Sorcerers, Psychics, Kinfolk Kinnain, etc): Half Willpower Rounded Up
- Vampire, Shifter or Wraith: Willpower
Conjunctional Effects
Effects using multiple spheres require the use of all unsurpassed foci to avoid increased difficulty (always the single highest difficulty increase, not cumulative) however the same applies to the highest applicable decrease (due to things such as use of a surpassed focus or a specific\unique focus). So if a caster cannot use one normal focus but also is using a surpassed unique focus they would gain +2 to difficulty for the mossing focus but also gain -3 to the difficulty for the surpassed unique focus making for an overall -1 to difficulty. Also the ability associated with any focus used in the conjunctival effect are applicable for retesting.
Note that a full round is required at minimum for use of each focus. So an effect requiring three foci will take a minimum of three rounds to cast in order for all three to apply. Only one is ever needed for use of an associated ability (accepting any applicable negatives for missing the other foci).
All Mage start game with 1 Permanent point of Resonance per level of Arete they begin with, if they start game with any Sphere's above 2 they will begin game with an additional Resonance trait for each of those Spheres.
Any successfulAny game where the character uses use of Intermediate or greater Sphere Magic at least three time they will make will garner a temporary point of Resonance. Garnering 3 temporary points of similar Resonance will call for two hard tests and, failure will cause them to form into a Permanent Resonance, success on at least will cause them to disappear. Successful use of an Advanced or greater Sphere will always call for 2 simple tests. Failure of both will also cause a permanent point of Resonance. instead of a temporary one, succeeding on at least one will only bring a temporary point.
Other Ways to Gain Resonance (Any one of the or other stressful magical events up to the STs Discretion can call for two simple tests. Failure of both will garner a Permanent Resonance Trait):
- Going into Quiet
- Finishing a Seeking (Success or not)
- Losing a Permanent Willpower
- Learning a Master-Level Sphere
*Note that with very rare exceptions, Resonance generally doesn't go down. It can be suppress for a time, but one of the only sure fire ways to decrease Resonance is to spend a great deal of time away from the Magical life, keeping a mundane profile and avoiding mystic events or use of magic. Each month so sequestered allows the Mage to remove a Permanent point of Resonance. Certain quests and extensive Meditations can also accomplish a similar cleansing but these have to be planned with an ST and tend to be specific to the Resonance being eliminated.
Concentration and Empowerment
(And other fun spell casting facts)
A Mage is limited in their casting of magic in two important ways. First, only one effect can be cast per round. This counts for each round any given effect takes to be cast. So even if you are taking two rounds to be able to use a focus and gain a Grade of success, you can only be casting that one effect during that time, even if the final release of magic is on a different round. Second, a Mage can only have as many active effects going in one round as they have Arete plus Prime.
Many effects have a duration with a base and which can be increased with Grades of Success. This is in essence setting the magic free to have its effect independent of the Mage's further control. The advantage of this is that the magic does not weigh on the Mage's concentration thereby going through its duration regardless of interruption. On the other hand, those that oppose this magic in some way or who wish to counter it do so against a static difficulty not directly against the Mage so they are afforded no ability to cancel or retest. The Mage may add Quintessence to raise this static difficulty up to their spending limit. An effect can instead be maintained through sheer concentration. This allows them to directly contest any effort to resist or counter the effect, allowing for retests or cancellations. Unfortunately these effect way on their will. For each so maintained effect further magic is increased in difficulty by one. Any event that the ST deems may disrupt their concentration will call for a variable Mental challenge or else drop all such effects.
Grades of Success | Duration |
1 | Turn/Round |
2 | Minute/Conflict |
3 | Hour/Scene |
4 | Day/Game |
5 | Month/Story |
6 | Six Months/Arch |
7 | ST Discretion/Generally an Empowerment option will be needed |
Finally, an effect with a duration can be 'Empowered' with Quintessence to extend their longevity. This can be done in one of two ways. First, a Mage can add Prime 2 into the effect and bind it to an object that can contain Quintessence they place into it. A point of Quintessence is needed per level of the highest sphere for each renewal this spell can go through. This is limited because most objects can't hold much power (use the object ratings listed under the Wonders section later as a base for what can be held). This can only be fueled once and when the Quintessence runs out the object is burned up and the effect stops. The second option is to use the same thing to tie an effect to a Periapt (described below). In this case the Quintessence can continuously be refilled through the Periapt and so long as there is enough the effect will continuously renew. Empowerment is generally most practical for long term spells, most commonly Wards.
While effects don't always state an additional test, if it has an immediate, direct effect on another character one is required. The traits used depend on the spell. As a rule attacks on the body used Physical traits, Mental and Occult effects use Mentals and Spiritual or Emotional effects use Socials. This can vary based on ST discretion (though once set should be included in the write up of any Rotes) and can sometimes pit two different traits against each other. For example, aiming the drop of a piano on someone could pit your Mentals against the target's Physicals. If the Mage is using their foci the ST can permit them to substitute the Traits applicable for the focus for what would otherwise be used. For example a Hermetic uses a complex equation for sleep to put a room full of people into a quiet slumber. This may allow him to pit his Mentals against their Socials. A Mage uses their Focu Abilities for retests and the target's use one the ST deems applicable. So a Euthanatos using Hindu Charms to Curse their target with foul luck would first cast their effect and upon success Test his Mental traits (retesting with Meditation) against theirs (retesting with Occult). If another Mage is successfully Aware of an effect and attempts to counterweave a test of their Arete against their opponent's may be taken after the successful casting of Magic but before any test against its target to reduce the Grades of Success.
There are three main types of Countermagic: Sphere Countermagic, anti-magic and unweaving.
*Any of these count as your magical action for a turn.
Sphere Countermagic
If you have the Spheres necessary to notice and know what the opponent is doing. Arete is tested against the same difficulty as the original casting. Each grade of success reduces the effect by one. Should all the grades be countered the effect is successfully countered, and should you also possess Apprentice level Prime (or better) and your Arete is higher than the caster's it can be turned back upon the caster.
This is the use of Quintessense to strengthen the Patterns of reality against an Effect. Each point spent (up to your Avatar rating) raises the difficulty of an opponent's effect.
The is the use of spheres to tear apart an existing spell. You need the spheres necessary to cast the effect in the first place. You must test your Arete against the same difficulty it was originally cast at and time/foci can be used to increase Grades of Success just as though you were casting an effect. Generally the duration will be degraded first and if all Grades of Success are countered the effect is destroyed.
Range and Area of Effect
The default range of a Mage's effects is Line of Sight. Striking a target will always require a test (opposed for moving targets) after the effect is established, from a fireball to a mental probe.
Area of Effect Rotes must include Correspondence and these default to 15 yrds plus three times Arete. (Some circumstance allow other Spheres to be exchanged for Correspondence. The most common of these are Matter (like allowing something to be sensed or spread through a homogeneous material) and Life (like sensing through or touching through a wide spread lifeform like a forrest or fungus).
Duration is discussed earlier in this document, this speaks to how far back or forward senses can be cast or effects can be held. This requires Time or in some cases Entropy.
Grades of Success | Timespan |
1 | Within a Year |
2 | Five Years |
3 | 20 years |
4 | 50 years |
5 | 100 years |
6 | 500 years |
7+ | 1000 Years or more based on ST Discretion |