This Special Path is purchased as an Ability, with a cost of two XP per level and is limited by Entropy. It allows the Mage to use their pure connection to Entropy to have effects that otherwise require more complicated Rotes. This also automatically adds traits to any test involving the dead, Thanatology, the Shadowlands, etc.
The following are abilities the Necromancer can perform with Entropy alone, without the consequence of Paradox, though there are many other consequences that may be possible.
Overview- Integer posuere mollis nisl, a ultrices dui sagittis at. Etiam condimentum feugiat ultricies. Nulla nec dignissim urna. Maecenas sed enim nec sapien pellentesque tincidunt.
•• TBD
••• Reanimation
Through extensive preparation of a body or parts through charms, herbs or even invoking spirits. Through use of the third level of Entropy over a ritual requiring success listed below the Necromancer can reanimate the dead material (normally requiring at least Life 2/Prime 2 for dead tissue or Matter 2/Prime 2 for bare bones). This animated thing cannot think on its own, but it will obey the Necromancer's will and complex commands, including protecting the Necromancer unto its own destruction.
Grades of Success | Amount of Animated Material |
1 | A few bones or a small part (a finger) |
2 | A complex part (a hand) |
3 | A limb or head |
4 | Several limbs and a torso |
5 | A whole body |
6+ | Additional GoS per additional body or parts |
•••• TBD
••••• Chai
Who doesn't want to bring someone back to life? But what if what comes back isn't what left?
This can be used up to 18 days after a death and can only be used once on any given body. Why do I specify body...? The body itself is restored to life as the user breaths their own into it and spends a permanent Willpower for each year of life restored to the body. They then have an Arcane connection to it just as with a Talisman. If the souls of that body has not moved on, been reincarnated, been trapped or otherwise does not wish to return... it won't, and that body will be open to play host to any number of things the ST wishes and there is very little way to tell the difference. Whatever does enter the body then has its memories and often such creature can mimic powers to put on a show.
An alternate use for this can be the creation of a necromantic Familiar for a Mage. So long as a Binding is done the body will become that familiar. Such a Familiar has the advantage of being ‘alive', thus limiting its garnered paradox to being witnessed by those that know it died at some point. This can be easier with dead animals. The downside is that as a Familiar as the time of the life given to the body winds down another equal amount of permanent Willpower will be taken from the Mage to sustain it until the Mage's death.
(Please note that much of the use of this power is at ST discretion and CAN NOT be used to resurrect a PC)
Overview- Integer posuere mollis nisl, a ultrices dui sagittis at. Etiam condimentum feugiat ultricies. Nulla nec dignissim urna. Maecenas sed enim nec sapien pellentesque tincidunt.
• Calling Ghosts
With items connected to the Ghost the first level of Entropy can allow the user's voice can be heard beyond the Shroud and throughout the Shadowlands as a summons and communication should it come (normally requiring Spirit 2 with Entropy 1). If the Ghost exists (as a Wraith, Specter or other) it will hear the call. A Social test can be made to try and coax or intimidate it to come, though they are not forcefully compelled. Having Fetters of the target each grant a 2 trait bonus on this test for Wraiths because they fear them being destroyed. Should they have no remaining Fetters they may come or go to the Necromancer at their will, and cannot be compelled by even magical means to attend. If they choose to come and are able to, the Necromancer can use level one Entropy allow them to communicate with the living. This is based on their paradigm often entailing channeling the Wraith directly through them (normally requiring Spirit 3 and Entropy 1). Doing this automatically gives a Wraith a point of Angst. Botching of this forces the Wraith to make a Willpower check against their Angst and failure will bring forward their Shadow.
Should the dead be unreachable, because the soul has been destroyed, passed into Oblivious or even attained Transcendence, at the ST's discretion either they may summon a floating memory of the target (like the Thaumaturgy Ritual) or a Specter which has acquired knowledge of the lost soul by devouring its memory.
•• Commanding Ghosts
With the second level of Entropy the Necromancer may forcefully compel a Ghost (normally needed Spirit 2/Entropy 1 or in the case of commanding Spirit 4/Entropy 1. As with Calling an item connected to the spirit is needed. Grades of Success can be divided among duration (starting at only a round) that it must remain in the Necromancer's presence, simple commands that can be given to it (which it is only compelled to obey for the duration) and one will allow the Necromancer to demand truth from it for the duration. Each Grade of Success automatically gives a Wraith a trait of Angst and failure of this forces the Wraith to make a Willpower check against their Angst plus the Necromancer's total Grades of Success and failure will bring forward their Shadow. Botching automatically sends the Wraith into a Harrowing. This automatically fails on a Wraith that has no remaining fetters or which has fallen to Oblivion, or achieved Transcendence.
••• TBD
•••• Binding
Binding allows a necromancer to bind a spirit into something that has been Reanimated with the previous level of Necromancy (normally requiring Spirit 4/Entropy 1). This allows the animated thing to essentially think for itself. This can be done with a willing spirit, either through good will or through a deal, meaning it will act for the Necromancer of its own free will. This can also be done with an unwilling spirit relying on it wanting to be freed from this shackle to do the Necromancer's bidding, or relying on the Commanding Ghosts level though this can have an exponentially detrimental effect on the ghost and possibly grave consequences for the necromancer. Once cast on a willing subject it is automatic and on an unwilling target the necromancer must make a Mental challenge against the target retested with Intimidation. Each Grade of Success allows for a duration (starting at one round), but so too does each add an Angst gained by the target. Failure means the Necromancer can never try this or Command that spirit ever again. A Botch will do the same, but also automatically draw out the Shadow which will also be immune to the Necromancer's control.
••••• Obliviating
Obliviation is a dark and dangerous power. It is the outright destruction of a soul. Should the Necromancer strike a victim (this only works on Ghosts like Wraith and Specters) with this, through touch or perhaps a cursed object or trap, it will permanently cause a combination of the following chart based on the Grades of Success and the will of the Necromancer. All effects are considered permanent and can only be reversed through the highly vulgar magic of a Master of Spirit (who can also deal with the dead, generally requiring Entropy as well). Upon a botch by this use of a Master level sphere will accrue a trait of Jhor. Outright destruction of a ghost this way sends them to Oblivion.
Effect per Grade of Success
- Subtract two from the target's maximum Physical traits (removing any that are over that new max)
- Subtract one from the target's permanent Corpus
- Remove Life or Death Sight
- Causing up to three levels of a Flaw that is appropriate (per ST discretion)
- Binding the target away from the Shadowlands, note this requires a GoS per Fetter they have
Sitra Achra
Overview- Integer posuere mollis nisl, a ultrices dui sagittis at. Etiam condimentum feugiat ultricies. Nulla nec dignissim urna. Maecenas sed enim nec sapien pellentesque tincidunt.
•• TBD
••• TBD
•••• Qlippothic Aura
Here the Necromancer brings upon herself the essence of pure destruction and death, and though their magic does not become Qlippothic, it acts with such an aura and leaves a Qlippothic resonance. Those who examine it may well think you are a Nephandus… The user can freely choose to take on this mantle, without any test, and it feels good to do. The user is up one trait on any Sphere Magic intended toward destruction or death. It can be intoxicating, and the user must make a Willpower test against their Arete plus the highest sphere level they used with this power to release it. Failures cannot be retested for the scene or hour and three such failure is a row garner them a Qlippothic resonance of any sort the ST deems appropriate.
••••• Necrosynthesis
With the fifth level of Entropy the Necromancer can call forth 'liquid mortality' withering flesh, crumbling bones, rotting organs and destroying senses and reflexes (normally requiring Qlippothic Entropy 4/Life 3). Should the necromancer strike a victim with this, through touch or perhaps a cursed object or trap, it will permanently cause a combination of the following chart based on the Grades of Success and the will of the Necromancer. All effects are considered permanent and can only be reversed through the highly vulgar magic of a Master of Life. Any Resonances caused by this use of a Master level sphere will be Jhor, and should death be caused a Johor trait is automatically added.
Effect per Grade of Success
- Subtract two from the target's maximum Physical traits (removing any that are over that new max)
- Subtract one from the target's health levels, starting with Healthy levels and working downward
- Destroying one sense (like causing blindness or deafness)
- Adding two Appearance related Negative Social traits
- Causing up to three levels of a Physical Flaw that is appropriate (per ST discretion)